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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 36: Focus Session: Advanced Algorithms for Strongly Correlated Quantum Matter
Dienstag, 1. April 2014, 09:30–12:15, HSZ 03
09:30 | TT 36.1 | Hauptvortrag: Quantum Computing and Strongly Correlated Materials — •Matthias Troyer | |
10:00 | TT 36.2 | Hauptvortrag: Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of Deconfined Quantum-Criticality — •Anders Sandvik | |
10:30 | TT 36.3 | Hauptvortrag: Characterizing Entanglement Entropy with Quantum Monte Carlo — •Roger Melko | |
11:00 | 15 min. break. | ||
11:15 | TT 36.4 | Hauptvortrag: Field-Induced Superfluids and Bose Liquids in Projected Entangled Pair States — •Didier Poilblanc | |
11:45 | TT 36.5 | Hauptvortrag: Nature of the Spin Liquid Ground State of the Kagome Model — •Uli Schollwoeck | |