17:00 |
HK 13.1 |
Struktur leichter Kerne aus realistischen NN-Potentialen* — •Christian Winkler, Bernd Pfitzinger, Christoph Reiß und Hartmut M. Hofmann
17:30 |
HK 13.2 |
Search for the γ-decay of the First Excited State of 17Ne — •M.J. Chromik, M. Thoennessen, B.A. Brown, M. Fauerbach, T. Glasmacher, R.W. Ibbotson, H. Scheit, and P.G. Thirolf
17:45 |
HK 13.3 |
Messungen der elektrischen Quadrupolmomente von 26−31Na — •Stefan Wilbert, Uwe Georg, Matthias Keim, Rainer Neugart, Michael Neuroth, Peter Lievens, Ludo Vermeeren, and ISOLDE Collaboration
18:00 |
HK 13.4 |
Prompt (n,γ)-Spektrometrie zur Präzisionsbestimmung von Massendifferenzen und Isotopenverhältnissen in beliebigen Proben — •Stefan Röttger, Annette Paul und Uwe Keyser
18:15 |
HK 13.5 |
New region of deformation: the neutron-rich sulfur isotopes — •M. Hellström, H. Scheit, T. Glasmacher, B. A. Brown, J. A. Brown, P. D. Cottle, P. G. Hansen, R. Harkewicz, R. W. Ibbotson, J. K. Jewell, K. Kemper, D. J. Morrissey, M. Steiner, P. Thirolf, and M. Thoennessen
18:30 |
HK 13.6 |
Gamma-spectroscopy of Mn-isotopes produced with a laser ion source * — •T. Kautzsch, V. Fedoseyev, D. Forkel-Wirth, M. Hannawald, Y. Jading, K.-L. Kratz, J. Lettry, V.I. Mishin, W.B. Walters, and the ISOLDE-Collaboration
18:45 |
HK 13.7 |
The first observation of the Tz=−7/2 nuclei 45Fe and 49Ni — •M. Hellström, B. Blank, S. Czajkowski, F. Davi, R. Del Moral, J. P. Dufour, A. Fleury, C. Marchand, M. S. Pravikoff, J. Benlliure, F. Boué, R. Collatz, A. Heinz, Z. Hu, E. Roeckl, M. Shibata, K. Sümmerer, Z. Janas, M. Karny, M. Pfützner, and M. Lewitowicz