Göttingen 1997 – scientific programme
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HK: Hadronen und Kerne
HK 4: Kernspektroskopie, Halokerne
HK 4.6: Talk
Monday, March 24, 1997, 15:45–16:00, HS E
Investigation of Halo Nuclei at Relativistic Energies — •T. Baumann1, D. Cortina Gil1, H. Geissel1, M. Hellström1, B. Jonson2, T. Kobayashi3, G. Kraus1, H. Lenske4, G. Münzenberg1, M. Pfützner1, A. Richter5, K. Riisager6, C. Scheidenberger1, G. Schrieder5, W. Schwab1, B. M. Sherrill7, M. Steiner7, K. Sümmerer1, and T. Suzuki3 — 1GSI, Darmstadt — 2Göteborg University, Sweden — 3RIKEN, Japan — 4University of Gießen — 5TH Darmstadt — 6Aarhus University, Denmark — 7NSCL, MSU, USA
The fragment separator FRS in combination with the heavy ion synchrotron at GSI provides a unique tool to study break-up reactions of halo nuclei (11Li, 11Be, 8B) at relativistic energies. In a recent experiment a narrow longitudinal momentum distribution of 7Be fragments was measured after break-up of 8B at 1.5 GeV/nucleon [1]. This has been interpreted as a signature for an extended proton wave function (“proton halo”) in 8B. In a forthcoming experiment the longitudinal momentum distributions of various B isotopes after one-proton or one-neutron removal will be mapped out systematically in order to clarify the structure of nuclei with loosely bound nucleons and to determine to which extent the reaction dynamics contribute to the core momentum distribution. In addition, we will investigate the possibility of further proton halo states in other nuclei like 26,27P and 27S, as suggested in [2].
[1] W. Schwab et al., Z. Phys. A 350, 283 (1995)
[2] B. A. Brown and P. G. Hansen, MSUCL-1023, (April 1996)