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HK: Hadronen und Kerne
HK 62: Kernspektroskopie, mittelschwere Kerne IV, schwere Kerne VI
HK 62.6: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 27. März 1997, 18:15–18:30, HS E
In-beam study of the Nü nucleus 146Tb — •R. Collatz1,2, N. Amzal1,3,4, P. Kleinheinz4, C. Schück1, Ch. Vieu1, Z. Méliani1,3, J.S. Dionisio1, and J. Blomqvist5 — 1CSNSM, Orsay, France — 2GSI Darmstadt, Germany — 3USTHB Alger, Algeria — 4KFA Jülich, Germany — 5RIT Stockholm, Sweden
The nucleus 146Tb was studied through in-beam γγ- and γe− measurements at the Tandem accelerators of Strasbourg and Orsay. The sofar unknown level scheme built on the 780 keV (πh11/2νh11/2−1) 10+ isomer was established up to ∼5 MeV. Spins and parities were assigned from conversion electron and DCO measurements. The observed high-spin states are 4qp-excitations formed by the couplings of the πh11/2νh11/2−1 valence nucleons to the octupole state or the higher-lying πh11/2d5/2−1 and πh11/2g7/2−1 particle-hole excitations of the 146Gd-core. The configuration assignments are supported by parameter-free recoupling calculations, where the (πh11/2νh11/2−1) 11+ and 8+ states, identified here, were of crucial importance. The agreement with experiment is excellent.