Göttingen 1997 – scientific programme
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HK: Hadronen und Kerne
HK 66: Struktur von Baryonen und Mesonen VII
HK 66.6: Talk
Thursday, March 27, 1997, 18:15–18:30, HS I
Effective chiral lagrangian from dual amplitudes — •M. V. Polyakov — Institut f. Theoretische Physik II, Ruhr–Univ. Bochum — Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, St. Petersburg
Parameters of the effective chiral lagrangian (EChL) of orders O(p4) and O(p6) are extracted from low–energy behaviour of dual models for ππ and π K scattering amplitudes. Obtained parameters of the EChL are used to estimate chiral corrections up to the sixth order to various low–energy characteristics of ππ and π K scattering amplitudes.
We show that considered dual models are consistent with all low–energy theorems for soft pions and with non–topological chiral anomaly of the large Nc QCD. The latter fact is an additional evidence in favour of close relations between QCD in the large Nc limit and some string theory. We discuss possible relations between Weinberg’s mended symmetries [1] and some effective string theory.
[1] S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. , v. 65 (1990) 1177