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HK: Hadronen und Kerne
HK 66: Struktur von Baryonen und Mesonen VII
HK 66.8: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 27. März 1997, 18:45–19:00, HS I
Quark-Diquark Cluster Model of the Nucleon — •Georg Wagner, Ralf Richter, A.J Buchmann, and Amand F"a"sler — Institut f"ur Theoretische Physik, Universit"at T"ubingen, D-72076, T"ubingen
The quark-diquark model assumes that there are relatively stable subsystems of two quarks inside the nucleon. We treat the nucleon as a nonrelativistic quark-diquark system in a chiral quark model. This model includes aside from a two-body confinement interaction, residual gluon-, π-, and σ-exchange interactions between constituent quarks. We include both scalar and axial vector diquarks. The relative diquark-quark wave function and the nucleon mass are obtained by solving the Schrödinger equation using the Resonating Group Method. The spatial quark interchange interactions between the diquark and the third quark (Pauli principle) are rigorously taken into account [1]. The effect of the Pauli principle on the mass, wave function, and charge radii of the nucleon is studied in some detail. The masses and wave functions of the radial excitations of the nucleon are also calculated in this model.
[1] R. Richter, Georg Wagner, A. J. Buchmann and Amand Faessler, in preparation