Mainz 1997 – scientific programme
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MO: Molekülphysik
MO 8: Poster I: Photoelektronen, Photodissoziation, Cluster, Methoden
MO 8.12: Poster
Tuesday, March 4, 1997, 16:00–18:00, Poster
Effects of the probe wavelength in the photolysis of N2O. — •W.G. Roeterdink1,2, David Neyer1, Craig Taatjes1, David Chandler1, and Steven Stolte2 — 1Sandia Natioanl Lab., Combustion Research Facility, Livermore, CA 94551-0969, USA — 2Dept. of Chemistry, Laser Centre, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1083, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands
In the photodissociation process the N2O molecule is split into N2(νJM) and O(1D2,m). Several groups have performed this photodissociation with the help of several techniques like LIF, REMPI TOF and Doppler profile spectroscopy. These experiments showed an asymmetry parameter β of 0.5 and revealed the existence of more dissociation channels. Recent studies investigating the photodissociation of N2O, applying two-dimensional ion imaging, have been performed by Suzuki et al. and Janssen et al.. These studies also revealed the existence of more than one dissociation channel, and an average asymmetry parameter β = 0.6.
In this work we show the results of two-colour experiments and compare them with the one-colour experiments.
Probing the 1D2-1P1 transition: β = 0.96 and 0.69 respectively for λdiss=203.7 nm and λdiss=205.5 nm. Probing the 1D2-1F3 transition: β = 0.29 and 0.26 respectively for λdiss = 203.8 nm and λdiss = 205.6 nm.
We will discuss some possible sources for the different β-values obtained in a one- and in a two-colour experiment.