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GR: Gravitation und Relativitätstheorie
GR VIII.1: Hauptvortrag
Donnerstag, 20. März 1997, 09:45–10:25, HS 133
On the detection of gravitational waves — •Bernard Schutz — Max-Planck-Inst. für Gravitationsphysik, Albert Einstein Institut, Schlaatzweg 1, 14473 POTSDAM
Detectors are under construction around the world that should for the first time achieve a sensitivity better than theoretical upper limits on the strength of gravitational waves that we should expect from astronomical sources within observation times of a few years. The detector that is most likely to be the first to achieve such a sensitivity is the GEO600 detector, being built near Hannover. In this talk I will discuss what kinds of signals this detector has a chance of seeing, what kinds of information we might get from them, and what the likelihood is of early detections.