Münster 1997 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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AP: Agrophysik
AP 1: Landwirtschaft und Klima
AP 1.2: Hauptvortrag
Montag, 17. März 1997, 10:15–11:00, Phy
Aerial pollution from UK livestock farming: quantification and possible reduction — •Roger Phillips — Silsoe Research Institute, Bio-Engineering Division, Wrest Park Silsoe Bedford, MK45 4HS, UK
Aerial pollutants from livestock farming include methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia gases, as well as odours, dusts microbes, endotoxines and noise. The methods which are being used in the UK to quantify these pollutants will be outlined. Some of these have been developed jointly with partners in Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. The status of UK inventories of some of these pollutants will be described and the possibilities for abatement of emissions of the various pollutants will be discussed, with some references to the costs of abatement.