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CP: Chemische Physik
CP IV.1: Hauptvortrag
Dienstag, 18. März 1997, 10:15–11:00, Gl
Surface Science Studies of Biologically Relevant Model Systems — •Bengt Kasemo — Department of Applied Physics
Chalmers University of Technology, S-412 96 Gothenburg
The rapid development in surface science and molecular biology, respectively, create new opportunities for interdisciplinary studies of biologically relevant model systems.The latter include solid-water and solid-electrolyte interfaces, amino acids and small peptides on surfaces in vacuo, and also amino acids, peptides, proteins and similated biological membranes at the solid-liquid interface. Similar ”Gaps” as the so called pressure and structure gaps in catalysis are anticipated. This talk makes a brief review of some important research directions where surface science plays a role, or is expected to enter into biological interface studies, with emphasis on UHV-studies.Examples include nm-ice layers, TDS and spectroscopic studies of amino acids on Pt(111) and graphite. Brief examples are also given of surface studies of more complex molecules adsorbed from the liquid phase.