
Münster 1997 – scientific programme

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DY: Dynamik und Statistische Physik

DY 17: Phasenüberg
änge und kritische Ph
änomene I

DY 17.3: Talk

Wednesday, March 19, 1997, 15:00–15:15, R1

Morphology of spinodal decomposition kinetics — •Victor Sofonea1 and Klaus R. Mecke21Research Center for Hydrodynamics, Cavitation and Magnetic Fluids, University of Timicsoara, Romania — 2Theoretische Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 42097 Wuppertal

The morphology of homogeneous phases during spinodal decomposition are described, in particular, the scaling behaviour of the content, shape, and connectivity of the spatial structures. The time evolution of the morphology indicates a crossover from the early stage decomposition to the late stage domain growth, where one finds scale invariance of the morphology. Applying a lattice Boltzmann simulation [1] we observe three different scaling regimes Ltα for the characteristic length L with the exponents α=2/3, α=1/2, and α=1/3 depending on the viscosity. Approaching the spinodal density ρsp we recover the Cahn-Hilliard theory prediction L ∼ (ρ−ρsp)−1/2 for the early stage spinodal decomposition.

[1] W. R. Osborn, E. Orlandini, M. R. Swift, J. M. Yeomans, and J. R. Banavar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4031 (1995)

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