Münster 1997 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 38: Implantation
Freitag, 21. März 1997, 11:00–13:30, H2
11:00 |
HL 38.1 |
Low-Temperature Doping of p-Type Czochralski Silicon by Hydrogen Plasma Treatment — •Dietmar Borchert, Alexander Ulyashin, Yuri Bumay, Günter Grabosch, Reinhart Job, and Wolfgang Fahrner
11:15 |
HL 38.2 |
Model of Ion Track in Diamond Subjected to High Energy Ion Implantation — •V.A. Martinovich, V.S. Varichenko, D.P. Ertchak, A.M. Zaitsev, and W.R. Fahrner
11:30 |
HL 38.3 |
Paramagnetic Properties of Diamond Irradiated with High Energy Ni Ions — •V.A. Martinovich, V.S. Varichenko, D.P. Ertchak, and A.M. Zaisev
11:45 |
HL 38.4 |
Defect Production in Si Implanted with Oxygen Ions in MeV-range — •V.S. Varichenko, A.A. Melnikov, N.M. Kazyuchits, P.I. Gajduk, A.M. Zaitsev, and W.R. Fahrner
12:00 |
HL 38.5 |
Microwave Photoconductivity and Optical Absorption Investigations of Ion Implanted Diamond — •V.S. Varichenko, A.G. Zakharov, and A.M. Zaitsev
12:15 |
HL 38.6 |
ESR of Silicon Irradiated with High Energy Noble Gas Ions — •V.S. Varichenko, E.N. Drozdova, N.M. Penina, and A.M. Zaitsev
12:30 |
HL 38.7 |
Leerstellenartige Defekte in Silizium nach Ionenimplantation und ihr Ausheilverhalten — •Stefan Eichler, Frank Börner, Jörg Gebauer und Reinhard Krause-Rehberg
12:45 |
HL 38.8 |
Cathodoluminescence of Defects and Impurities in Diamond Irradiated with High Energy Ni Ions — •A.R. Filipp, V.S. Varichenko, and A.M. Zaitsev
13:00 |
HL 38.9 |
Diffusion of Nitrogen in Diamond Irradiated with High Energy Ions — •A.R. Filipp, V.S. Varichenko, and A.M. Zaitsev
13:15 |
HL 38.10 |
Recombination In Silicon Irradiated with 92 MeV Boron Ions — •S.N. Jakubenja, V.Yu. Yavid, V.S. Varichenko, and A.M. Zaitsev