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HL: Halbleiterphysik
HL 38: Implantation
HL 38.8: Vortrag
Freitag, 21. März 1997, 12:45–13:00, H2
Cathodoluminescence of Defects and Impurities in Diamond Irradiated with High Energy Ni Ions — •A.R. Filipp1, V.S. Varichenko1,2, and A.M. Zaitsev2 — 1Belarussian State University, HEII Laboratory, Minsk 220050, Belarus — 2FernUniversity Hagen, LGBE, Haldener Str. 182, 58084 Hagen, Germany
Type Ia natural diamond samples irradiated with 6, 69 and 335 MeV Ni ions at doses from 5×1012 to 5×1015cm−2 have been investigated by cathodoluminescence. The formation processes of intrinsic ( the GR1 and TR12), nitrogen related (the N3, H3, 575 nm, 638nm), nickel related (439, 484, 491, 496, 540, 602 nm) optical centers, as well as new centers with zero-phonon lines at 707 and 117 nm are investigated. The projected ranges Rp of 6, 69, 335 MeV Ni ions measured experimentally coincide well with the TRIM-90 simulation values. In contrast to that the experimental strugglings of the projected ranges considerably exceed the theoretically estimated values. This discrepancy is discussed in the frame of models of the radiation enhanced diffusion and the channelling of part of the ions through latent ion tracks.