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HL: Halbleiterphysik
HL 4: Diamant
HL 4.1: Vortrag
Montag, 17. März 1997, 10:30–10:45, H3
Dotierung von Kohlenstoff Systemen – Eine Theoretische Untersuchung. — •P. Sitch., Th. K"ohler, G. Jungnickel, D. Porezag, and Th. Frauenheim — Instit"ut f"ur Physik, T. U. Chemnitz, D-09107, Chemnitz.
The problem of n– and p–doping of diamond and
highly tetrahedral diamond-like
amorphous carbon (ta–C) is one of immense technological significance.
Diamond has been p–doped using Boron, but to date, no
n–dopant has been found. For (ta–C), the ability of Boron and
Nitrogen to dope is a subject of controversy amongst experimental
workers, with some groups claiming to find doping [1], whilst others not
We use a density functional–based tight–binding method (DF–TB) to
investigate the effects of Boron and Nitrogen
in diamond and ta–C. We explain why Boron dopes in diamond, but Nitrogen does not
and also resolve the ta–C controversy, showing that
both Nitrogen and Boron fail to dope due to charge transfer effects resulting from the
presence of
localized states associated with π clusters inherent in such
We discuss also the possibility of n-type doping with Phosphorous and Arsenic.
[1] C. Ronning, U. Griesmeier, M. Gross, H. C. Hofsäss, R. G. Downing and G. P. Lamaze, Diamond and Related Materials 4, 666 (1995).
[2] V. S. Veerasamy, G. A. J. Amaratunga, C. A. Davies, A. E. Timbs, W. I. Milne, D. R. Mckenzie, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 5, L169 (1993).