
Münster 1997 – scientific programme

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HL: Halbleiterphysik

HL 40: Poster III

HL 40.32: Poster

Friday, March 21, 1997, 11:00–14:00, Z

Piezo-Optics of InP in the Visible-Ultraviolet Range — •D. R"onnow, P. Santos, E. Anastassakis, M. Kuball, and M. Cardona — Max-Planck-Institut f"ur Festk"orperforschung, Heisenbergstr. 1, D-70569 Stuttgart

The piezo-optical properties of semiconductors give information about the material band structure, and are of importance e.g. for the analysis of the optical properties of strained-layer superlattices. Using rotating analyzer ellipsometry, the three independent complex components P11, P12 and P44, of the linear piezo-optical tensor Pijkl(ω) (Δєij(ω)=Pijkl(ω)Xkl, where єij(ω) is the dielectric and Xkl the stress tensor, respectively) of InP were obtained in the energy range 1.6-5.5eV. For the measurements, stress was applied along the high symmetry directions [100] and [111] and the stress-induced changes in є(ω) were measured. The measurements were made at room temperature. The data are self consistent and show good Kramers-Kronig consistency. The data were analysed using a critical point model for the electronic states near the E1 and E11 transitions.

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