Bochum 1998 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 24: Heavy Ion Reactions III, Ultrarelativistic Energies
Dienstag, 17. März 1998, 14:00–16:30, P
14:00 |
HK 24.1 |
Identified charged particle spectra in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions — •Z. B"or"ocz, C. Barlag, S. Bathe, C. Blume, D. Bucher, H. B"usching, R. Glasow, S. Gorus, S. Joerrens, H. K"ohncke, T. Kr"umpel, T. Peitzmann, K. Reygers, R. Santo, H. Schlagheck, and WA98
14:15 |
HK 24.2 |
Production of Neutral Mesons in Pb-induced Reactions at 158 A GeV * — •C. Blume, C. Barlag, S. Bathe, Z. B"or"ocz, D. Bucher, H. B"usching, S. Gorus, R. Glasow, S. Joerrens, H. K"ohncke, T. Kr"umpel, T. Peitzmann, K. Reygers, R. Santo, H. Schlagheck, and WA98
14:30 |
HK 24.3 |
Coulomb Mean Field Effects in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Reactions on One- and Two-Particle Spectra* — •H.W. Barz, J.P. Bondorf, J.J. Gaardhoje, and H. Heiselberg
15:00 |
HK 24.4 |
Directed and Elliptic Flow in Pb(158 AGeV) on Pb collisions — •T. Wienold, A.M. Poskanzer, S.A. Voloshin, and NA49
15:15 |
HK 24.5 |
Hard Thermal Loop Resummation Technique in Non-Equilibrium — •M.H. Thoma, M.E. Carrington, and H. Defu
15:45 |
HK 24.6 |
Creation and signatures of superdense baryonic matter — •H. Weber, S.A. Bass, H. Stöcker, and W. Greiner
16:00 |
HK 24.7 |
Radial Collective Flow of Kaons in Heavy Ion Reactions — •Z.S. Wang and Amand Faessler
16:15 |
HK 24.8 |
Particle interferometry of expanding nuclei — •C. Schwarz