14:00 |
HK 27.1 |
Exclusive bremsstrahlung and pion production in proton-nucleus reactions — •M.J. van Goethem, L. Aphecetche, J.C.S. Bacelar, D. d’Enterría, M.N. Harakeh, M. Hoefman, R. Holzmann, H. Huisman, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Kugler, H. Löhner, G. Martínez, J.G. Messchendorp, R.W. Ostendorf, S. Schadmand, Y. Schutz, M. Seip, R.H. Siemssen, P. Tlustý, M. Volkerts, V. Wagner, and H.W. Wilschut
14:30 |
HK 27.2 |
Pion production in proton–proton collisions — •C. Hanhart, J. Haidenbauer, Ulf-G. Meißner, and J. Speth
15:00 |
HK 27.3 |
Subthreshold neutral pion and photon production in proton-nucleus collisions — •L. Aphecetche, J.S. Bacelar, H. Delagrange, D. d’Enterría, M. Hoefman, R. Holzmann, H. Huisman, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Kugler, H. Löhner, G. Martínez, J.G. Messchendorp, R.W. Ostendorf, S. Schadmand, Y. Schutz, R.H. Siemssen, P. Tlustý, R. Turrisi, M.J. van Goethem, M. Volkerts, V. Wagner, and H.W. Wilschut
15:15 |
HK 27.4 |
Exclusive Measurements of Single Pion Production Processes pp → dπ+ and pp → pnπ+ at WASA/PROMICE∗ — •A. Betsch, R. Bilger, W. Brodowski, H. Clement, M. Schepkin, G.J. Wagner, and M. Wisskirchen
15:30 |
HK 27.5 |
Pion Production from dp→ dNπ reactions with deuteron beams at CELSIUS — •J. Greiff, I. Koch, H. Rohdjeß, W. Scobel, and Wasa/Promice
15:45 |
HK 27.6 |
Measurement of the π− production with polarized neutrons on protons. — •P Sereni, J Arnold, J Franz, H Lacker, and H Schmitt
16:00 |
HK 27.7 |
Schwellennahe Pionenproduktion im Kanal p p → p n π+ † — •A. Böhm, K.T. Brinkmann, H. Freiesleben, M. Pfuff, W. Scobel und M. Würschig-Pörsel
16:15 |
HK 27.8 |
Double pion production in proton-proton collisions — •A. Khoukaz