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HK: Hadronen und Kerne
HK 64: Radii, Masses, Heavy Nuclei
HK 64.1: Group Report
Thursday, March 19, 1998, 14:00–14:30, E
Determination of the proton and neutron densities at the nuclear periphery with p X-rays and p–nucleus reactions — •R. Schmidt1, T. Czosnyka2, T. von Egidy1, K. Gulda3, F.J. Hartmann1, J. Jastrzȩbski2, B. Ketzer1, B. Kłos4, J. Kulpa5, W. Kurcewicz3, P. Lubiński2, P. Napiorkowski2, L. Pieńkowski2, R. Smolańczuk5, A. Trzcińska2, E. Widmann6, and S. Wycech5 — 1Physik-Department, TU M"unchen — 2Heavy Ion Laboratory, Warsaw University — 3Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University — 4Physics Department, Silesian University, Katowice — 5Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warschau — 6CERN, Genf
The nucleon density at the nuclear periphery has
been investigated with two different methods. The first one is the
measurement of the energy shift and the width of antiprotonic X-ray
lines. Besides various other nuclids the X-rays of the isotopes
172Yb and 176Yb have been measured very extensively. From
these data the absorption widths of six antiprotonic levels and the
shifts of the lowest visible transitions could be determined.
second method is the determination of the yield of the annihilation
products from the reaction of the antiprotons with nuclei. From the
yield of the products with one neutron or one proton less than the
target nucleus the neutron–to–proton density ratio at a distance of
3 fm from the nuclear surface can be determined [1]. This method was
extended to short–lived product nuclei with a half–live down to 5 s.
This allowed to measure the ratio for the nuclei 48Ca,
100Mo, 104Ru, 116Cd, 112Sn, and 124Sn. The
results have been compared with the results of HFB–calculations.
[1] P. Lubiński, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 3199 (1994)