Bochum 1998 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 67: Structure of Baryons, Mesons IX, Theory
Donnerstag, 19. März 1998, 14:00–17:00, H
14:00 |
HK 67.1 |
Nucleon Structure Functions in a Chiral Soliton Model — •H. Weigel, L. Gamberg, and H. Reinhardt
14:30 |
HK 67.2 |
Exotic antidecuplet of baryons: prediction from chiral solitons and is possible experimental searches — •M.V. Polyakov, D.I. Diakonov, V.Yu. Petrov, and P.V. Pobylitsa
15:00 |
HK 67.3 |
Hexaquarks in a chiral constituent quark model — •S. Pepin and Fl. Stancu
15:15 |
HK 67.4 |
Double quark distributions in the chiral quark-soliton model — •M. Penttinen and K. Goeke
15:30 |
HK 67.5 |
Diquark confinement in an extended NJL model* — •G. Hellstern, R. Alkofer, and H. Reinhardt
15:45 |
HK 67.6 |
Nondiagonal quark distributions of the nucleon in the large Nc limit — •I. Börnig, V.Yu. Petrov, P.V. Pobylitsa, M.V. Polyakov, K. Goeke, and C. Weiss
16:00 |
HK 67.7 |
Axial-vector constants and semileptonic decays — •H.-Ch. Kim, M.V. Polyakov, M. Praszałowicz, and K. Goeke
16:15 |
HK 67.8 |
Photoproduction and Decays of the Exotic Antidecuplet of Baryons — •A. Rathke, M.V. Polyakov, and K. Goeke
16:30 |
HK 67.9 |
Consequences of chiral structure of the nucleon at high energy collisions — •A. Szczurek, A. Budzanowski, J. Speth, and V. Uleshchenko