SYE 1: Symposium Magnetoelektronik (SY E)
Donnerstag, 26. März 1998, 09:30–12:30, H 16
09:30 |
SYE 1.1 |
Latest developments of the Spin Valve Transistor — •J.C. Lodder, D.J. Monsma, and R. Vlutters
10:00 |
SYE 1.2 |
Spin dependent tunneling and Coulomb blockade — •F. Petroff, J. Barnas, F. Fettar, P. Holody, S.F. Lee, J.-L. Maurice, L. Schelp, A. Vaures, A. Fert, R. Desmicht, and G. Faini
10:30 |
SYE 1.3 |
Spin-dependent transport in hybrid ferromagnet/semiconductor structures. — •P. Bruno, J. Wunderlich, A. Bournel, P. Dollfus, and P. Hesto
11:00 |
SYE 1.4 |
Spindephasierung in III-V Halbleitern — •M. Oestreich, N. Nestle, D. Hägele und K. Eberl
11:30 |
SYE 1.5 |
Hybrid ferromagnet - semiconductor nonvolatile gates — •M. Johnson
12:00 |
SYE 1.6 |
Requirements for future magneto-electronic devices used in circuit applications. — •J. De Boeck, H. Boeve, C. Bruynseraede, K. Dessein, B. Dutta, and G. Borghs