Münster 1999 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
CP 7: Spektroskopie
Montag, 22. März 1999, 14:00–15:45, Gg
14:00 |
CP 7.1 |
Memory effects in the light-driven dissipative dynamics of molecular system — •T. Mančal, D. H. Schirrmeister, and V. May
14:15 |
CP 7.2 |
Brillouin-Wigner Multi-Referenz Störungsrechnung füe elektronische Korrelationseffekte — •W. Wenzel
14:30 |
CP 7.3 |
Spin-Dynamik in nanomagnetischen Molekülen — •C. Schröder, D. Mentrup, M. Luban und F. Borsa
14:45 |
CP 7.4 |
Spin and Molecular Dynamics of Biradicals at Variable Temperature — •Alexandra Yurkovskaya, Stefan Grosse, Sergeij Dvinskikh, Olga Morozova, and Hans-Martin Vieth
15:00 |
CP 7.5 |
Elektron-Zeeman aufgelöste EPR — •Rüdiger-A. Eichel, Gustavo A. Sierra und Arthur Schweiger
15:15 |
CP 7.6 |
Excitonic line shape of cyclic molecular aggregates: Influence of quasistatic and dynamic disorder — •P. Reineker, I. Barvik, Ch. Warns, and Th. Neidlinger
15:30 |
CP 7.7 |
Excitd state absorption of molecular aggregates: influence of exciton-exciton interaction and higher molecular levels — •P. Reineker and G. Juzeliunas