Bremen 2000 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
EP 9: Sonne und Heliosph
äre III
Mittwoch, 22. März 2000, 15:15–18:15, H1
15:15 |
EP 9.1 |
Propagation of Jovian electrons in the inner heliosphere: 1. Ulysses observations. — •B. Heber, P. Ferrando, A. Raviart, C. Paizis, and H. Fichtner
15:30 |
EP 9.2 |
Propagation of Jovian electrons in the inner heliosphere: 2. A new 3-D model. — •H. Fichtner, M.S. Potgieter, S.E.S. Ferreira, R.A. Burger, and B. Heber
15:45 |
EP 9.3 |
Evolution of cosmic ray fluxes during the rising phase of solar cycle 23: ULYSSES EPAC observations. — •B. Heber, J.B. Blake, M. Fränz, and E. Keppler
16:00 |
45 min. break
16:45 |
EP 9.4 |
Charge sign dependent recurrent modulation of galactic cosmic ray electrons and protons: Implications from Ulysses. — •B. Heber, J.B. Blake, G. Wibberenz, H. Kunow, V. Bothmer, M.S. Potgieter, and R.A. Burger
17:00 |
EP 9.5 |
Neue Ergebnisse von den Pioneer 10/11 UV–Instrumenten — •K. Scherer und H. Scherer
17:15 |
EP 9.6 |
Pick-up Ionen Beschleunigung am moduliertenn Sonnenwindschock: vom KeV zum MeV Bereich — •H. J. Fahr und A. Dworsky
17:30 |
EP 9.7 |
Modulation of Anomalous Cosmic Rays beyond the heliospheric shock — •H. Fichtner and A. Czechowski
17:45 |
EP 9.8 |
Injection and acceleration of suprathermal ions at perpendicular shocks: a self-consistent model of the solar wind termination — •H. Fichtner, J.A. le Roux, and G.P. Zank
18:00 |
EP 9.9 |
Cosmic Rays, the Heliospheric Shield and the Climate on Earth — •K. Scherer, H. Fichtner, and O. Stawicki