12:30 |
A 10.1 |
New electrostatic ion traps for lifetime measurements — •Afshin Fardi, Jens Jensen, Henrik Cederquist, and Henning Schmidt
12:30 |
A 10.2 |
Trapping of a single Ca+ ion for its use as a frequency standard — •HERBANE Mustapha, KNOOP Martina, CHAMPENOIS Caroline, HOUSSIN Marie, VEDEL Michel, and VEDEL Fernande
12:30 |
A 10.3 |
Calculation of the Li-H triplet scattering length. — •A. S. Dickinson, F. X. Gadéa, and T. Leininger
12:30 |
A 10.4 |
Photoassociation Spectroscopy Of Cold Rubidium Atoms — •M. Kemmann, I. Mistrik, H. Helm, and P. S. Julienne
12:30 |
A 10.5 |
A New Scheme for Formation of Ultracold Molecules via Photoassociation — •Claude M. Dion, Olivier Dulieu, and Françoise Masnou-Seeuws
12:30 |
A 10.6 |
Collective Resonances and Instabilities of Electrons in a Penning Trap — •Tristán Valenzuela Salazar, Debasish Biswas, Peter Paasche, and Günter Werth
12:30 |
A 10.7 |
Symmetry of the light force acting on atom — •Aleksej Taichenachev, Anatoly Tumaikin, and Valerii Yudin
12:30 |
A 10.8 |
The dipole force rectification in a light field formed by elliptically polarized waves — •Oleg Prudnikov, Aleksej Taichenachev, Anatoly Tumaikin, and Valerii Yudin
12:30 |
A 10.9 |
The high resolution electron-ion collision facility at the TSR — •B. Lange, F. Sprenger, G. Wissler, M. Hoppe, U. Weigel, D. A. Orlov, A. S. Terekhov, D. Schwalm, and A. Wolf
12:30 |
A 10.10 |
12:30 |
A 10.11 |
Complete (e,3e) experiments for the double ionization of Helium. — •Lahmam-Bennani A., Duguet A., Gaboriaud M.N., Taouil I., Lecas M., Kheifets A., Berakdar J., and Dal Cappello C.
12:30 |
A 10.12 |
Electron-Impact Double Ionization of Helium from the Dipolar to the Impulsive Regime — •Alexander Dorn, Claus Dieter Schröter, Robert Moshammer, Bennaceur Najjari, Giorgi Sakheslasvili, and Joachim Ullrich
12:30 |
A 10.13 |
Measurement of Spin-Asymmetries in Elastic Electron - Cs Scattering at Intermediate Energies. — •Nataša Pavlovic, Bernhard Roth, and Günter Baum
12:30 |
A 10.14 |
Formation and decay of hollow carbon ions during electron impact ionization — •J. Jacobi, K. Ariki, H. Knopp, S. Schippers, and A. Müller
12:30 |
A 10.15 |
Deep-Core Dielectronic-Capture Resonances in the Electron-Impact Ionization of Sm Ions — •F. Scheuermann, K. Aichele, W. Arnold, D. Hathiramani, A. Müller, E. Salzborn, D. Mitnik, J. Colgan, and M. S. Pindzola
12:30 |
A 10.16 |
First Results from a Novel Electron Scattering Apparatus using a Laser Photoelectron Source — •J. Bömmels, A. Gopalan, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
12:30 |
A 10.17 |
Electron impact ionization of Ban+ ions — •H. Knopp, C. Böhme, J. Jacobi, S. Ricz, S. Schippers, and A. Müller
12:30 |
A 10.18 |
Electron impact ionization of He-like metastable C4+-ions — •H. Knopp, C. Böhme, S. Schippers, W. Shi, and A. Müller
12:30 |
A 10.19 |
Resonant versus direct processes in electron impact ionization of Li-like ions — •A. Müller, K. Aichele, H. Knopp, R. A. Phaneuf, S. Ricz, E. Salzborn, F. Scheuermann, S. Schippers, W. Shi, and H. Teng
12:30 |
A 10.20 |
Critical minima in elastic electron scattering from argon — •J.E. Sienkiewicz, S. Telega, and V. Konopińska
12:30 |
A 10.21 |
Electron scattering from disilane molecules. — •Czesław Szmytkowski, Paweł Możejko, and Grzegorz Kasperski
12:30 |
A 10.22 |
Infrared Fluorescence of beam-excited Xe2 Molecules at high Pressure — •Francesco Borghesani, Giacomo Bressi, Gianni Carugno, Enrico Conti, and Davide Iannuzzi
12:30 |
A 10.23 |
Relaxed-orbital and sudden perturbation approximations for the ionization of atoms by electrons — •Nerijus Rakštikas and Alicija Kupliauskienė
12:30 |
A 10.24 |
EUV spectroscopy of highly charged tungsten ions relevant to hot plasmas — •Christoph Biedermann, Gerd Fußmann, Pinhas Mandelbaum, Rainer Radtke, and Jean-Louis Schwob
12:30 |
A 10.25 |
Cold electrons from cryogenic GaAs photocathodes: Energetic and angular distributions — •U. Weigel, D. A. Orlov, M. Hoppe, A. S. Terekhov, A. Wolf, and D. Schwalm
12:30 |
A 10.26 |
A Simple Model for Positronium Formation in Positron-Hydrogen Atom Collisions — •László Lugosi and Iván Gyémánt
12:30 |
A 10.27 |
Positron-Impact Vibrational Excitation of Methane Molecules — •Tamio Nishimura, Alessandro Occhigrossi, and Franco A. Gianturco
12:30 |
A 10.28 |
Towards a new Measurement of the Decay Rate of the Positronium Negative Ion — •K. Degreif, F. Fleischer, G. Gwinner, R. Ley, F. Plenge, and D. Schwalm
12:30 |
A 10.29 |
Accurate Determination of Dielectronic Recombination Resonance Energies in Lithium-like Kr — •Stojan Madzunkov, Eva Lindroth, Nils Eklöw, Andras Paál, and Reinhold Schuch
12:30 |
A 10.30 |
Laser–stimulated recombination in a combined trap — •Anette Pahl, Birgit Schatz, Jochen Walz und Theodor W. Hänsch
12:30 |
A 10.31 |
Doorway-state calculation of low-energy electron recombination with Au25+ — •Gleb Gribakin, Anna Gribakina, Victor Flambaum, and Celal Harabati
12:30 |
A 10.32 |
Stationary afterglow study of recombination of H3+ ions with electrons — •Juraj Glosik, Radek Plasil, Viktoriya Poterya, Pavel Kudrna, Andriy Pysanenko, Milan Tichy, and Jan Rusz
12:30 |
A 10.33 |
Enhancement of dielectronic recombination by external electromagnetic fields — •Sebastian Böhm, A. Müller, S. Schippers, W. Shi, H. Danared, R. Schuch, W. Zong, P. Glans, N. Eklöw, G. H. Dunn, B. Jelenković, N. Djurić, and N. Badnell
12:30 |
A 10.34 |
Dielectronic recombination of lithiumlike Sc18+ and F6+ at threshhold: a challenge for atomic structure theory — •S. Kieslich, S. Böhm, A. Hoffknecht, A. Müller, S. Schippers, W. Shi, G. Gwinner, M. Schnell, A. Wolf, E. Lindroth, and M. Tokman
12:30 |
A 10.35 |
Storage rings measurement of the dielectronic recombination of beryllium-like Cl13+ and Cu25+ ions — •M. Schnell, M. Bannister, G. Gwinner, S. Kieslich, A. Müller, S. Schippers, D. Schwalm, and A. Wolf
12:30 |
A 10.36 |
Lamb-shift measurements in very heavy Li-like ions utilizing dielectronic recombination — •C. Brandau, T. Bartsch, S. Böhm, C. Böhme, F. Bosch, B. Franzke, N. Grün, A. Hoffknecht, S. Kieslich, H. Knopp, C. Kozhuharov, A. Krämer, P. Mokler, A. Müller, F. Nolden, W. Scheid, S. Schippers, W. Shi, Z. Stachura, M. Steck, T. Steih, and T. Stöhlker
12:30 |
A 10.37 |
Spectroscopy of dielectronic resonances of the heaviest Li-like ions — •C. Brandau, T. Bartsch, S. Böhm, C. Böhme, F. Bosch, B. Franzke, N. Grün, A. Hoffknecht, S. Kieslich, H. Knopp, C. Kozhuharov, A. Krämer, P. Mokler, A. Müller, F. Nolden, W. Scheid, S. Schippers, W. Shi, Z. Stachura, M. Steck, T. Steih, and T. Stöhlker
12:30 |
A 10.38 |
Experimental dielectronic recombination rate coefficients for plasma physics applications — •S. Schippers, C. Brandau, A. Mül ler, G. Gwinner, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, and D.W. Savin
12:30 |
A 10.39 |
Storage ring measurement of the dielectronic recombination of Ar-like Sc3+ ions — •S. Schippers, S. Kieslich, A. Mü ller, G. Gwinner, M. Schnell, A. Wolf, M. Bannister, and A. Covington
12:30 |
A 10.40 |
Molecular gas in the lensed system Q0957+561 — •Melanie Krips, Roberto Neri, and Andreas Eckart
12:30 |
A 10.41 |
Relativistic (e,2e) processes with highly charged ionic targets — •Marco Kampp, H R J Walters, and Colm T Whelan
12:30 |
A 10.42 |
Formation and magnetic trapping of cold Cs2 molecules — •Daniel Comparat
12:30 |
A 10.43 |
Lifetime measurements of metastable states in complex atomic ions using laser probing of ions in a storage ring — •D. Rostohar, A. Derkatch, H. Hartman, S. Johansson, H. Lundberg, S. Mannervik, L.-O. Norlin, P. Royen, A. Schmitt, and X. Tordoir