15:45 |
A 14.1 |
Charge Transfer in Collisions between Molecular and Atomic Ions — •H. Bräuning, I. Reiser, A. Diehl, A. Theiß, C.L. Cocke, E. Sidky, and E. Salzborn
16:00 |
A 14.2 |
Complete three body dissociation of CO2 in collisions with 5.9 MeV/u highly charged Xe-ions — •B. Siegmann, I. Küster, U. Werner, H.O. Lutz, and R. Mann
16:15 |
A 14.3 |
Ion-induced molecule fragmentation dynamics — •Lamri Adoui, Medhi Tarisien, Amine Cassimi, Francois Fremont, Benoit Gervais, Dominique Hennecart, and Patrick Moretto-Capelle
16:30 |
A 14.4 |
Dissociative and non-dissociative one electron capture by 150-1000 eV/amu He2+ in CO — •D.R. Gillen, D.M. Kearns, D. Voulot, R.W. McCullough, H.B. Gilbody, and J.B. Greenwood
16:45 |
A 14.5 |
Must saddle point electrons always ride on the saddle? Observation of mirror image saddle mechanism in slow collisions — •F. Afaneh, R. Dörner, L. Schmidt, T. Weber, K. Stiebing, O. Jagutzki, and H. Schmidt-Böcking
17:00 |
A 14.6 |
Two-Coulomb-center Green‘s function and its application to study of processes at slow ion - molecular collisions — •Mikhailo Khoma, Vladimir Lazur, and Myroslav Karbovanets
17:15 |
A 14.7 |
Anderson localization in atoms: quantitative statistical results — •Sandro Marcel Wimberger and Andreas Buchleitner
17:30 |
A 14.8 |
Coincident projectile energy loss and electron emission in grazing collisions of fast hydrogen atoms from a LiF(001) surface — •Sven Lederer, Axel Mertens, Klaus Maass, Helmut Winter, Johannes Stöckl, Hannspeter Winter, and Friedrich Aumayr
17:45 |
A 14.9 |
Novel energy and angular differential spectrometry of desorbed secondary ions — •T. Jalowy, R. Neugebauer, M. Hattass, J.A.M. Pereira, V.M. Collado, E.F. da Silveira, H. Schmidt-Böcking, and K.O. Groeneveld
18:00 |
A 14.10 |
Backscattering of slow highly charged ions at alkali halide surfaces: suppression of the trampoline effect — •Ludger Wirtz, Christoph Lemell, Carlos O. Reinhold, and Joachim Burgdörfer
18:15 |
A 14.11 |
Transverse Cooling or Heating of Channeled Ions — •Florian Grüner, Walter Assmann, Sarkis Karamian, and Jens-Ulrik Andersen
18:30 |
A 14.12 |
Relativistic electron transport through carbon foils — •Marek Seliger, Károly Tőkési, Carlos O. Reinhold, and Joachim Burgdörfer