
Berlin 2001 – scientific programme

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A: Atomphysik

A 17: Posters Friday (Spectroscopy)

A 17.15: Poster

Friday, April 6, 2001, 12:30–15:00, AT3

Investigation of the hyperfine- and fine structure of the tantalum ion — •Dieter Messnarz and Günter H. Guthöhrlein — Laboratorium für Experimentalphysik, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg

Contrary to the tantalum atom, the knowledge of the hyperfine structure (hfs) of the tantalum ion is poor. Extending our spectroscopic analysis from the atom to the ion we have investigated several ionic transitions. As in former experiments investigating the hfs of atomic lines we produced a sufficient density of tantalum ions by the method of cathode sputtering in a hollow cathode discharge. By using the technique of laser-induced fluorescence detection we have determined the magnetic-dipole hyperfine interaction-constants A and the electric quadrupole hyperfine interaction-constants B of 19 levels of even and 17 levels of odd parity for the first time. We compare these values with hfs-constants recently measured by J. Pickering and V. Zilio by the method of Fourier Transform Spectroscopy[1]. Further we report on a fit of the finestructure(fs) of the odd parity levels, including the configurations 5d36p, 5d26s6p und 5d6s26p using the fs-package of R.D. Cowan [2]. The agreement between calculated and experimental energy- and gj-values is as good as J.-F. Wyart [3] has shown for the levels of the three lowest even configurations.

J. Pickering, private communication (1999)
R.D. Cowan, The Theory of Atomic Structure and Spectra, University of California Press, Berkeley (1981)
J.-F. Wyart, Optica pura y aplicada 10, 177 (1977)

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