15:45 |
A 19.1 |
Absolute electron impact ionization cross sections of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe — •Mathias Richter, G. Ulm, A.A. Sorokin, L.A. Shmaenok, and S.V. Bobashev
16:00 |
A 19.2 |
Recoil spectroscopy with laser-cooled trapped Na-atoms — •J.W. Turkstra, R. Hoekstra, S. Knoop, D. Meyer, and R. Morgenstern
16:15 |
A 19.3 |
Low-energy electron ion recombination in a magnetic field — •Maria Hörndl, Shuhei Yoshida, Karoly Tokesi, and Joachim Burgdörfer
16:30 |
A 19.4 |
Examinations of KLL capture of electrons into highly charged heavy ions — •Z. Harman, S. Zakowicz, N. Grün und W. Scheid
16:45 |
A 19.5 |
Rate enhancement in the recombination of fully stripped U92+ and Bi83+ ions with electrons — •W. Shi, T. Bartsch, S. Böhm, C. Böhme, C. Brandau, A. Hoffknecht, S. Kieslich, H. Knopp, S. Schippers, A. Müller, C. Kozhuharov, F. Bosch, B. Franzke, P.H. Mokler, M. Steck, Th. Stöhlker, and Z. Stachura
17:00 |
A 19.6 |
Potential scattering of wave packets — •Mikhail Fedorov
17:15 |
A 19.7 |
QED corrections to the REC in heavy highly charged ions — •Thomas Beier, Jörg Eichler, Vladimir M. Shabaev, and Vladimir A. Yerokhin
17:30 |
A 19.8 |
High Precision Measurement of the gj-factor of the electron bound in hydrogen-like oxygen for testing the Quantum Electrodynamics — •J. Verdú, H. Häffner, N. Hermanspahn, T. Valenzuela, S. Djekic, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, S. Stahl und G. Werth
17:45 |
A 19.9 |
Theory for the g factor of the electron in hydrogenlike carbon and a new value for the electron mass — •Thomas Beier, Savely G. Karshenboim, Hartmut Häffner, Nikolaus Hermanspahn, H.-Jürgen Kluge, Gerrit Marx, Wolfgang Quint, Tristan Valenzuela, José Verdú, and Günther Werth
18:00 |
A 19.10 |
Electron-positron pair production in relativistic collisions of heavy ions — •M. Gail, N. Grün, and W. Scheid
18:15 |
A 19.11 |
Measurement of Superelastically Scattered Electrons in Metastable O6+, C4+ + H2 Collisions — •A. L. Landers, A.S. Al-Naser, H. Knutson, D.J. Pole, T. W. Gorczyca , and J.A. Tanis
18:30 |
A 19.12 |
Electron Scattering by Xe at Intermediate and High Energies: 0.5 - 10 keV — •Gustavo Garcia, Jose Luis de Pablos, Francisco Blanco, and Amalia Williart