15:45 |
A 2.1 |
Laser-trapped atoms as a precision target for storage rings — •B. Eike, U. Eisenbarth, R. Grimm, F. Herrmann, J. Kleinert, D. Schwalm, and M. Weidemüller
16:00 |
A 2.2 |
High-resolution study of thorium and uranium L x-ray spectra induced by impact with fast oxygen ions — •J.-Cl. Dousse, D. Banas, D. Castella, D. Chmielewska, D. Corminboeuf, I. Fijal, J. Hoszowska, M. Jaskola, A. Korman, T. Ludziejewski, Y.-P. Maillard, O. Mauron, M. Pajek, M. Polasik, P.-A. Raboud, J. Rzadkiewicz, and Z. Sujkowski
16:15 |
A 2.3 |
Ionisation of helium in relativistisc heavy-ion collisions — •Imre F. Barna, Werner Scheid und Norbert Grün
16:30 |
A 2.4 |
Ionization and charge transfer in collisions between multiply charged noble gas ions — •A. Diehl, R. Trassl, H. Bräuning, A. Theiss, E. Salzborn, L.P. Presnyakov, and D.B. Uskov
16:45 |
A 2.5 |
Momentum transfer in proton helium collsions: A new structure in momentum space — •Thorsten Weber, Khaldoun Khayyat, Reinhard Doerner, Vladimir Rodriguez, Alejandro Gonzalez, Ottmar Jagutzki, Lothar Schmidt, Volker Mergel, Alkis Mueller, and Horst Schmidt-Boecking
17:00 |
A 2.6 |
A Collective ECC Cusp in Strong Field Heavy Ion Collisions — •Siegbert Hagmann and Imad Ali
17:15 |
A 2.7 |
Light from higly charged ion-atom collisions: a fingerprint for astrophysical processes — •Z. Juhász, G. Lubinski Lubinski, R. Hoekstra, and R. Morgenstern
17:30 |
A 2.8 |
Hyperfine Splitting of Hydrogenlike Thallium — •M. Tomaselli, T. Kühl, D. Marx, A. Dax, W. Nörtershäuser, H. Wang, and S. Fritzsche
17:45 |
A 2.9 |
Development of Compact ECR Ion Sources — •Roland Trassl, Frank Brötz, Werner Arnold, Robert W. McCullough, and Erhard Salzborn
18:00 |
A 2.10 |
Double-K-Vacancy Production in Li-Like Be+ and C3+ Ions Colliding With Helium. — •A. S. Al-Naser, A. L. Landers, J. A. Tanis, and S. M. Ferguson
18:15 |
A 2.11 |
Nonperturbative calculation of projectile electron loss, target ionization, and capture in He+ + Ne collisions — •Tom Kirchner and Marko Horbatsch
18:30 |
A 2.12 |
Polarizational Bremsstrahlung In Relativistic Collisions With Heavy Ions — •Andrei Korol, Oleg Obolensky, Andrey Solovyov, and Igor Solovjev