15:45 |
A 4.1 |
Debye Temperature of Na139+ — •Thomas Hippler, Jörn Donges, Martin Schmidt, Bernd v. Issendorff, and Hellmut Haberland
16:00 |
A 4.2 |
Caloric Curve for the Liquid to Gas Transition of Na139+ — •Martin Schmidt, Thomas Hippler, Jörn Donges, Bernd von Issendorff, and Hellmut Haberland
16:15 |
A 4.3 |
K*Hen Exciplex Formation on the Surface of Helium Nanodroplets Studied in Real-time — •F. Stienkemeier, D. Schumacher, P. Claas, and C.P. Schulz
16:30 |
A 4.4 |
Sequential oxygen and metal atom addition in yttrium cluster anions: a comprehensive photoelectron spectroscopic study — •Axel Pramann, Atsushi Nakajima, and Koji Kaya
16:45 |
A 4.5 |
Temperature dependent reactions of small gold clusters with oxygen and carbon monoxide — •Liana D. Socaciu, Jan Hagen, Ueli Heiz, Thorsten M. Bernhardt, and Ludger Wöste
17:00 |
A 4.6 |
Spectroscopic Properties of size-selected Alkali Atoms in Polar Molecule Clusters — •Christiana Bobbert, Kenro Hashimoto, C.P. Schulz, and I.V. Hertel
17:15 |
A 4.7 |
Direct time-resolved observation of electron cooling in size selected sodium clusters — •Michael Schätzel, Markus Maier, Jörn Donges, Bernd v.Issendorff, and Hellmut Haberland
17:30 |
A 4.8 |
Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy of Si4− to Si1000− — •Gert Wrigge, Margarita Astruc Hoffmann, Bernd von Issendorff, and Hellmut Haberland
17:45 |
A 4.9 |
From small clusters to metal spheres: photoelectron spectroscopy of Al10−10000− — •Margarita Astruc Hoffmann, Gert Wrigge, Bernd v.Issendorff, and Hellmut Haberland
18:00 |
A 4.10 |
Pump-probe fs-photoelectron spectroscopy of small silicon cluster anions — •Markus Maier, Michael Schätzel, Frank Sommer, Nina Morgner, Bernd v.Issendorff, and Hellmut Haberland
18:15 |
A 4.11 |
The Energy Dependence of the Decay Pathways of Small Gold Clusters — •Manuel Vogel, Klavs Hansen, Alexander Herlert, and Lutz Schweikhard
18:30 |
A 4.12 |
Production of Carbon Clusters by Laser Ablation of Graphite and Polymers in Vacuum — •Kanji Shibagaki, Noriharu Takada, Koichi Sasaki, and Kiyoshi Kadota