12:30 |
A 5.1 |
High resolution measurements and multichannel quantum defect analysis of the Kr(nd′ J=2,3) autoionizing resonances — •M.-W. Ruf, D. Klar, M. Aslam, M. A. Baig, K. Ueda, and H. Hotop
12:30 |
A 5.2 |
Photoelectron Diffraction Mapping: Molecules Illuminated from Within — •Reinhard Dörner, Allen Landers, Thorsten Weber, Imad Ali, Amine Cassimi, Mirko Hattass, Ottmar Jagutzki, Andreas Nauert, Timur Osipov, Andre Staudte, Mike Prior, Lew Cocke, and Horst Schmidt-Böcking
12:30 |
A 5.3 |
Cross-section ratio of double to single ionization of Helium — •Andreas Muthig, L. Spielberger, R. Dörner, O. Jagutzki, H. Bräuning, Th. Weber, J. Wang, Y. Qiu, J. Burgdörfer, and H. Schmidt-Böcking
12:30 |
A 5.4 |
12:30 |
A 5.5 |
Orientation and alignment of photoionized atoms — •U. Kleiman and B. Lohmann
12:30 |
A 5.6 |
Spin polarisation in the resonant Auger decay of argon — •Burkhard Langer, György Snell, Sophie Canton, and Nora Berrah
12:30 |
A 5.7 |
Absorption of Circularly Polarized VUV Radiation in Polarized Iron Vapor — •Georg Prümper, Oliver Geßner, Björn Zimmermann, Jens Viefhaus, Rainer Hentges, Hans Kleinpoppen, and Uwe Becker
12:30 |
A 5.8 |
A New Setup for Electron-Electron and Electron-Ion TOF Coincidence Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules — •Jens Viefhaus, Oliver Geßner, Henrik Haak, Rainer Hentges, Daniel Rolles, Georg Prümper, Uwe Becker, Burkhard Langer, Oliver Kugeler, and Uwe Hergenhahn
12:30 |
A 5.9 |
Investigation of the 3p−3d resonances of Ti by photoion spectroscopy — •Kai Godehusen, Sandra Brünken, Birgit Kanngießer, Peter Zimmermann, and Michael Martins
12:30 |
A 5.10 |
2p photoemission of 3d transition metal atoms: manganese and chromium — •Michael Martins, Philippe Wernet, Joachim Schulz, Bernd Sonntag, Kai Godehusen, Bernhard Obst, and Peter Zimmermann
12:30 |
A 5.11 |
Single photoionization of helium close to the double-ionization threshold — •Tobias Schneider, Chien-Nan Liu, and Jan-Michael Rost
12:30 |
A 5.12 |
Line shapes in photo-excitation of triply excited hollow states — •Lars Bojer Madsen and Peter Lambropoulos
12:30 |
A 5.13 |
Absolute cross section for photoionization of CO+ — •Torkild Andersen, Henrik Kjeldsen, Helge Knudsen, and Finn Folkmann
12:30 |
A 5.14 |
Symmetric Rotor of Hollow States — •Lars Bojer Madsen and Klaus Mølmer
12:30 |
A 5.15 |
Absolute photoionisation cross sections for ions of astrophysical relevance — •H Kjeldsen, P A Andersen, F Folkmann, H Knudsen, B Kristensen, R L Brooks, J B West, and T Andersen
12:30 |
A 5.16 |
COHERENT CONTROL OF IONIZATION PRODUCTS IN ALKALINE-EARTH ATOMS — •Mireille Aymar, Jean-Marie Lecomte, Eliane Luc-Koenig, and Martial Millet
12:30 |
A 5.17 |
Laser Plasma Sourced VUV Photoabsorption Imaging System: A Progress Report — •John T. Costello, Eugene T. Kennedy, John S. Hirsch, Luca Poletto, and Piergiorgio Nicolosi
12:30 |
A 5.18 |
On shapes of the single- and double-excitation autoionization resonances in the photoabsorption of outer shells of Kr. — •V.L. Sukhorukov, I.D. Petrov, B.M. Lagutin, Ph.V. Demekhin, K.-H. Schartner, H. Liebel, A. Ehresmann, and H. Schmoranzer
12:30 |
A 5.19 |
An Experiment for Studies of Ionisation in Negative Ions — •jason greenwood and gerry collins
12:30 |
A 5.20 |
Transition probabilities from Na(3p3/2) to excited discrete and continuum states — •Kaspars Miculis and Wilfried Meyer
12:30 |
A 5.21 |
Above-threshold double ionization of helium — •Manfred Lein, Volker Engel, and E.K.U. Gross
12:30 |
A 5.22 |
Relativistic electron dynamics in intense crossed laser beams — •Guido R. Mocken, Yousef I. Salamin, and Christoph H. Keitel
12:30 |
A 5.23 |
Multiply Charged Ions in Strong Laser Fields — •M. Casu, S.X. Hu, and C.H. Keitel
12:30 |
A 5.24 |
Excess Photon Detachment of H− in a Strong Infrared Laser Field — •Igor Yu. Kiyan, Rainer Reichle, and Hanspeter Helm
12:30 |
A 5.25 |
Momentum analysis of strong field fragmentation of H2 — •H. Rottke, C. Trump, M. Wittmann, G. Korn, W. Sandner, R. Moshammer, A. Dorn, C.D. Schröter, D. Fischer, J. Crespo, B. Feuerstein, J. Ullrich, and P. Neumeier
12:30 |
A 5.26 |
Strong field double ionization of Ne and Ar — •H. Rottke, C. Trump, M. Wittmann, G. Korn, W. Sandner, R. Moshammer, A. Dorn, C.D. Schröter, D. Fischer, J. Crespo, B. Feuerstein, J. Ullrich, and P. Neumeier
12:30 |
A 5.27 |
Atomic ionisation dynamics in strong laser fields — •M. Dammasch, U. Eichmann, and W. Sandner
12:30 |
A 5.28 |
Simultaneous investigation of the three most important effects of atoms in strong laser fields — •Felix Grasbon, Gerhard G. Paulus, and Herbert Walther
12:30 |
A 5.29 |
Heuristisches Model zur Ionisation von Atomen und Molekülen in starken Laserfeldern — •C.J.G.J. Uiterwaal, C.R. Gebhardt und H. Schröder
12:30 |
A 5.30 |
Threshold laws for four-particle fragmentation — •Valentin Ostrovsky
12:30 |
A 5.31 |
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A 5.32 |
Adiabatic evolution of atomic populations in gaussian light pulses — •Mohand Brouri, Vola M. Andrianarijaona, Jozo Jureta, and Xavier Urbain
12:30 |
A 5.33 |
Collective Effects in Resonant Multiphoton Ionisation of Atomic Deuterium — •B J Shortt, F Giammanco, P J M van der Burgt, and R W O’Neill
12:30 |
A 5.34 |
Quantum interference in the third-harmonic generated by two time-delayed coherent laser pulses. — •Lorenzo Fini, Stefano Cavalieri, and Roberto Buffa
12:30 |
A 5.35 |
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A 5.36 |
Approximate treatment of the relativistic two-photon bremsstrahlung process. — •Igor Solovjev, Tatiana Fedorova, and Andrei Korol
12:30 |
A 5.37 |
Atoms interacting with intense, high-frequency laser pulses: effect of the magnetic field component on atomic stabilization — •Niels Kylstra, Richard Worthington, Javier Vazquez de Aldana, Luis Roso, Peter Knight, and Akshay Patel
12:30 |
A 5.38 |
Photon emission by ions interacting with short intense laser pulses — •Niels Kylstra, Robert Potvliege, and Charles Joachain
12:30 |
A 5.39 |
Coherent radiation from the dense lithium vapor upon quasiresonant excitation — •Irena Labazan, Davorka Azinovic, Slobodan Milosevic, and Goran Pichler
12:30 |
A 5.40 |
Tunneling Photoionization in a Strong Bichromatic Laser Field — •Vladimir Pazdzersky and Vladimir Usachenko
12:30 |
A 5.41 |
Laser-Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (LIPS) in the VUV for the Quantitative Characterisation of Steel Alloys — •Mohamed Khater, Eugene Kennedy, John Costello, Jean-Paul Mosnier, and Paul van Kampen