15:45 |
A 6.1 |
Isotope shift, hyperfine structure and J-determination of narrow autoionizing states in gadolinium — •Klaus Blaum, Bruce A. Bushaw, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, and Klaus Wendt
16:00 |
A 6.2 |
Laser Spectroscopic Hyperfine Structure Investigation of Neutral Praseodymium Combined with Parametric Theory — •G.H. Guthöhrlein, H.-O. Behrens, J. Dembczyński, E. Stachowska, and J. Ruczkowski
16:15 |
A 6.3 |
First Observation of Optical Transitions in Fermium (Z=100) — •M. Sewtz, H. Backe, A. Dretzke, K. Eberhardt, C. Grüning, G. Gwinner, R. G. Haire, G. Huber, J.V. Kratz, G. Kube, P. Kunz, J. Lassen, W. Lauth, W. Ludolphs, A. Morbach, G. Passler, R. Repnow, D. Schwalm, P. Schwamb, P. Thörle, and N. Trautmann
16:30 |
A 6.4 |
Polarization Study on the UV/VIS-Fluorescence of 2p-Excited Argon — •Roman Flesch, Michael Meyer, Arnaud Marquette, and Eckart Rühl
16:45 |
A 6.5 |
Spectral line classification in Pr I by LIF-techniques — •Hans-Otto Behrens, Marion Bette, and Günter H. Guthöhrlein
17:00 |
A 6.6 |
Coherence transfer in the Auger cascades of resonantly excited noble gases — •S. Fritzsche, N. M. Kabachnik, H. Chiba, T. Hayaishi, M. Hoshino, M. Kitajima, M. Okamoto, Y. Shimizu, H. Tanaka, and K. Ueda
17:15 |
A 6.7 |
Laser-Induced Plasma Spectroscopy for the Quantitative Characterisation of Carbon in Steel — •Mohamed Khater, Eugene Kennedy, John Costello, John-Paul Mosnier, and Paul van Kampen
17:30 |
A 6.8 |
Quantum Life-Times from the Classical Phase-Space — •Nenad Simonovic and Jan-Michael Rost
17:45 |
A 6.9 |
Hyperfine Structure Investigation of Singly Ionized Praseodymium — •E. Stachowska , J. Ruczkowski , J. Dembczyński, and G.H. Guthöhrlein
18:00 |
A 6.10 |
Magnetoelectric spectrums of artificial atoms — •Eugene O. Kamenetskii , Arun Kumar Saha, and Ikuo Awai
18:15 |
A 6.11 |
Cascading de-excitations of inner-shell vacancies — •Andrei Kochur and Victor Sukhorukov
18:30 |
A 6.12 |
Does the Heisenberg angle quantization exist? — •Yuri V. Popov and Lorenzo Ugo Ancarani