Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
CPP 1: Special Symposium: Molecular Dynamics in Confined Geometries
Montag, 2. April 2001, 10:30–18:15, 3010
10:30 |
CPP 1.1 |
Carbon Nanotubes: Electrical Properties and Devices — •Phaedon Avouris
11:15 |
CPP 1.2 |
Physics in Cell Biology: Biopolymers and Molecular Motors — •Erwin Frey
12:00 |
CPP 1.3 |
Micromanipulation of Self-Assembled Biomaterials in Microfluidic Channels — •Thomas Pfohl, Joon Heon Kim, Myung Chul Choi, Youli Li, Mahn Won Kim, and Cyrus R. Safinya
12:30 |
CPP 1.4 |
Stimulating, Manipulating, and Probing the Mechanical Behaviour of single GFP-Actin Fibroblast Cells on Nanostructured Surfaces — •Joachim Spatz, Alexandre Micoulet, Marcell Ott, Albrecht Ott, and Martin Möller
13:00 |
165 min. break
15:45 |
CPP 1.5 |
Molecular Dynamics Studies of Glassforming Fluids in Confined Geometry — •Kurt Binder, Fathollah Varnik, Peter Scheidler, Jörg Baschnagel, and Walter Kob
16:30 |
CPP 1.6 |
Properties of Glassy Thin Polymer Films — •Günter Reiter
17:15 |
CPP 1.7 |
Interactions between polyelectrolytes and surfactants in free-standing black films — •Regine v. Klitzing, Branko Kolaric, and Jose Luis Toca-Herrera
17:45 |
CPP 1.8 |
Polymers in confining geometries: From isolated chains to (ultra-)thin polymer layers. — •Friedrich Kremer, Lutz Hartmann, Andreas Huwe, Thomas Kratzmüller, Hans-Georg Braun, Annett Gräser, and Stefan Spange