Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
CPP 4: Thin Polymer Films
Dienstag, 3. April 2001, 15:45–17:45, 111
15:45 |
CPP 4.1 |
Hydrophobicity of Homo-and Copolymer Surfaces — •valerie andre, Martin reif, and ingolf kuehn
16:05 |
CPP 4.2 |
Study of phase separation kinetics in thin polymer films through dynamic self consistent field theory — •Ellen Reister, Marcus Müller und Kurt Binder
16:25 |
CPP 4.3 |
Segment density profiles of polyelectrolyte brushes determined by Fourier transform ellipsometry — •Diethelm Johannsmann, Jürgen Rühe, and Markus Biesalski
16:45 |
CPP 4.4 |
Surface and inner film structures in thin diblock copolymer films — •Peter Busch, Dorthe Posselt, Detlef Smilgies, Friedrich Kremer, and Christine M. Papadakis
17:05 |
CPP 4.5 |
Thin diblock copolymer films: Long range correlation and dewetting — •P. Müller-Buschbaum, J. S. Gutmann, M. Stamm, and W. Petry
17:25 |
CPP 4.6 |
Ellipsometric determination of interaction parameters between polymers in solution — •Hubert Elbs and Georg Krausch