Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
CPP 9: New Methods
Mittwoch, 4. April 2001, 15:45–17:05, 112
15:45 |
CPP 9.1 |
Imaging of oxidation states in bulk material with synchrotron radiation — •Christoph Rau, Andrea Somogyi, Alexandre Simionovici, Timm Weitkamp, Freddy Adams, and Anatoly Snigirev
16:05 |
CPP 9.2 |
Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) Microscopy: Vibrational Imaging and Spectroscopy with High Sensitivity — •A. Volkmer, J.-X. Cheng, L.D. Book, and X.S. Xie
16:25 |
CPP 9.3 |
Vibrational sum-frequency generation spectroscopy in chiral media — •Karl-Heinz Ernst, Mikhail Belkin, Timofei Kulakov, Li Yan, and Yuen-Ron Shen
16:45 |
CPP 9.4 |
Electron Spin Quantum Computing With Endohedral Fullerenes — •Wolfang Harneit, M. Waiblinger, K. Lips, C. Meyer, and A. Weidinger