12:30 |
MO 8.1 |
Molecular Deformation of CO2 in the C1s−1 2π excited state — •M. Hattass, N. Saito, A. Czasch, T. Weber, H. Schmidt-Böcking, and K. Ueda
12:30 |
MO 8.2 |
Molecular binding angle distributions from fast-beam Coulomb explosion imaging: The case of CH2+ — •Lutz Lammich, Lars Knoll, Holger Kreckel, Sven Krohn, Jacob Levin, Dirk Schwalm, Zeev Vager, Roland Wester, Peter Witte, Andreas Wolf, and Daniel Zajfman
12:30 |
MO 8.3 |
Dissociation Dynamics of H2+ in Intense Laser Fields — •Frank Rebentrost
12:30 |
MO 8.4 |
Final State Correlations in the Laser-Photofragmentation of H3 — •Ulrich Galster, Patrick Kaminski, Hanspeter Helm, and Ulrich Müller
12:30 |
MO 8.5 |
CHARACTERIZATION OF ULTRAFAST FRAGMENTATION PROCESS AND FEEDBACK CONTROL IN ORGANOMETALLIC MOLECULES — •Cosmin Lupulescu, Marcel Krenz, Cristina Kaposta, Filip Budzyn, Porfirio Rosendo-Francisco, Stefan Vajda, and Ludger Wöste
12:30 |
MO 8.6 |
Fs-dynamics in the fragment-cage interaction: I2 in Kr — •Markus Gühr, Matias Bargheer, Peter Dietrich, and Nikolaus Schwentner
12:30 |
MO 8.7 |
Ultrafast photodissociation dynamics of acetone excited by femtosecond 155nm laser pulses — •Parviz Farmanara, Volker Stert, and Wolfgang Radloff
12:30 |
MO 8.8 |
Resonant Ion-Pair Formation of HD+, NO+ and H3+ — •Anita Neau, Wei Zong, Asa Larson, Nada Djuric, Arnaud Le Padellec, Ahmed Al-Khalili, Hakan Danared, Alik M. Derkatch, Chris H. Greene, Ann E. Orel, Duska Popovic, Stefan Rosen, Jacek Semaniak, Wei Shi, Richard Thomas, Ljiljana Vikor, Magnus af Ugglas, Mats Larsson, and Gordon H. Dunn
12:30 |
MO 8.9 |
Vector correlations in dissociative photoionization of simple molecules. — •M. Lebech, A. Lafosse, J. C. Brenot, P. M. Guyon, J. C. Houver, D. Dowek, and R. Lucchese
12:30 |
MO 8.10 |
12:30 |
MO 8.11 |
Selective fragmentation of valence and core excited CD4 and SF6 molecules. — •Jaume Rius i Riu, Peter Erman, Andrzej Karawajczyk, Elisabeth Rachlew, Marek Stankiewicz, and Piotr Winiarczyk
12:30 |
MO 8.12 |
Unimolecular fragmentation of anthracene and phenanthrene — •Adalbert Ding, Christian Lenski, Michael Lenski, and Chava Lifshitz
12:30 |
MO 8.13 |
Dissociative Recombination of NO+ — •Fredrik Hellberg, Stefan Rosen, Richard Thomas, Anita Neau, Mats Larsson, and Wim van der Zande
12:30 |
MO 8.14 |
Dissociative Recombination of HCNH+; Cross Sections and Branching Ratios — •J. Semaniak, B. Minaev, A.M. Derkatch, F. Hallberg, A. Neau, S. Rosén, R. Thomas, M. Larsson, M. af Ugglass, and H. Danared
12:30 |
MO 8.15 |
Dissociative recombination and excitation of H3+ — •Marie J. Jensen, Henrik B. Pedersen, C. P. Safvan, Klaus Seiersen, Xavier Urbain, and Lars H. Andersen
12:30 |
MO 8.16 |
The Dissociation and Recombination Dynamics of Iodine Inserted in Microporous Crystalline Porosils of Different Structure — •Günter Flachenecker, Vladimir Ermoshin, Volker Engel, and Arnulf Materny
12:30 |
MO 8.17 |
DISSOCIATIVE EXCITATION MECHANISM IN SLOW COLLISIONS OF Na+ and K+ — •M. Gochitashvili, B. Kikiani, and R. Lomsadze
12:30 |
MO 8.18 |
Dissociative Charge Transfer from Na Rydberg Atoms to Vibrationally Excited Na2 Molecules and the Perspectives of field-free imaging — •O. Kaufmann, A. Ekers, and Klaas Bergmann
12:30 |
MO 8.19 |
Dissociative Electron Attachment to Hydrogen — •Thomas Fiegele, Herwig Drexel, Gilbert Senn, Paul Scheier, Aleksandar Stamatovic, Nigel Mason, and Tilmann Märk
12:30 |
MO 8.20 |
Investigation of the neutral photodissociation of the O2 molecule via the decay of the 2σu−1 (c4Σu−)n σg Rydberg states — •H. Liebel, Ph.V. Demekhin, B.M. Lagutin, I.D. Petrov, V.L. Sukhorukov, A. Ehresmann, and H. Schmoranzer
12:30 |
MO 8.21 |
Competition between two- and three-body decay of Cl2O — •Christof Maul, Melanie Roth, and Karl-Heinz Gericke
12:30 |
MO 8.22 |
Photodissociation of molecular oxygen in the Herzberg continuum — •Nathalie Vaeck, Ahmed Dian, Sophie Fally, and Jacques Liévin
12:30 |
MO 8.23 |
Direct observation of three dimensional product momentum distribution — •T. Einfeld, A. Chichinin, C. Maul und K.-H. Gericke
12:30 |
MO 8.24 |
Photodissociation Dynamics of ClOCl around 350 nm — •Gundula Trott-Kriegeskorte, Robert Aures, Christof Maul, Karl-Heinz Gericke, Zhenya Wang, and Yukio Nakano
12:30 |
MO 8.25 |
Formation and Evolution of Negative Ion Resonances in Condensed Ozone — •Petra Tegeder, Martin Penno, Paul A. Kendall, Nigel J. Mason, and Eugen Illenberger
12:30 |
MO 8.26 |
The Resonant Dark-Reaction of 9-(N-Carbazolyl)-Anthracene and its 10-Cyano Derivative: Experiments Aimed to Identify a Modeselective Electron-Transfer Reaction in a Molecular Beam — •Christian Monte, Elke Heinecke, Wolfgang Rettig, and Peter Zimmermann
12:30 |
MO 8.27 |
CHARGE TRANSFER AND IONIZATION IN SLOW COLLISIONS OF K + IONS WITH . . — •M. Gochitashvili, B. Kikiani, R. Lomsadze, and N. Mosulishvili
12:30 |
MO 8.28 |
Vibrational excitation of cold HD+ ions in collisions with electrons at eV-energies — •Michael Lange, Xavier Urbain, Holger Kreckel, Sven Krohn, Lutz Lammich, Dirk Schwalm, Daniel Strasser, Andreas Wolf, and Daniel Zajfman