Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MS 6: Clusters, Molecules, Laser Desorption and MALDI
Donnerstag, 5. April 2001, 16:15–17:15, EB 202
16:15 |
MS 6.1 |
Blackbody Fragmentation of Cationic Ammonia Clusters — •Brigitte Fox, Björn Reinhard, Martin Beyer, and Vladimir Bondybey
16:30 |
MS 6.2 |
Coupling of Pulsed Hyperthermal Surface Ionization with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry — •Lars Draack and Christian Weickhardt
16:45 |
MS 6.3 |
Photoacoustic Analysis of the Desorption Process in IR-MALDI-MS — •A. Rohlfing, C. Menzel, F. Hillenkamp, and K. Dreisewerd
17:00 |
MS 6.4 |
Matrix-Free Infrared Laser Desorption and Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Bacterial Identification — •Matthias Frank, Joel N. Ullom, Eric E. Gard, Kevin C. Langry, Frank Magnotta, Sharon J. Shields, Joanne M. Horn, Simon E. Labov, Fred P. Milanovich, Christopher A. Hack und W. Henry Benner