12:30 |
P 10.1 |
Mikrostruktur der Turbulenz in magnetisierten Plasmen — •Sven Niedner, Alexander Kendl, Carsten Lechte, Bruce Scott, Ulrich Stroth und
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P 10.2 |
The Langmuir-Tonks model for multi-component plasmas — •Hans-Burkhard Valentini
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P 10.3 |
Monte Carlo and Boltzmann Equation Study of the Spatial Electron Relaxation — •F. Sigeneger, N. A. Dyatko, and R. Winkler
12:30 |
P 10.4 |
Time-dependent electron kinetics in spatially one-dimensional plasma structures — •Detlef Loffhagen and Rolf Winkler
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P 10.5 |
Modelization of the Maecker arc burning in the mixture of argon and nitrogen — •Ewa Pawelec, Clarisse Delalondre, Charles De Izarra, and Olivier Vallee
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P 10.6 |
Nonlinear relaxation field in charged systems under high electric fields — •K. Morawetz
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P 10.7 |
Inverse Bremsstrahlung in hot, dense plasmas — •Thomas Millat, August Wierling, Ronald Redmer, Heidi Reinholz, and Gerd Röpke
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P 10.8 |
Retarded versus time-nonlocal quantum kinetic equations — •K. Morawetz, Pavel Lipavský, and Václav Špička
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P 10.9 |
Investigation of Excited State Density of Xenon in a Microhollow Cathode Using Hook Method — •Evgeni Davliatchine, Frank Adler, and Eckhard Kindel
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P 10.10 |
On Spectroscopic Determination of the Degree of Dissociation of H2 in Pulse Modulated Microwave Discharge — •Andrei V. Pipa, Norbert Lang, Boris P. Lavrov, and Jürgen Röpcke
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P 10.11 |
Determination of quenching coefficients by time resolved emission spectroscopy in a hydrogen RF discharge — •T. Gans, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, and H.F. Döbele
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P 10.12 |
Spektroskopische Analyse mikrowellen-erzeugter Niederdruckplasmen — •Sandra Quell, Jochen Feichtinger, Joachim Schneider, Andreas Schulz, Matthias Walker und Uwe Schumacher
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P 10.13 |
Zeitaufgelöste Messungen der Konzentration angeregter Atome in Ionisationswellen — •Samir Solyman, Guido Stockhausen, Steffen Franke und Christian Wilke
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P 10.14 |
Spectroscopy on a lasergenerated Aluminium-Argon-Plasma — •Jens Reiche, Michael Schultz-Johanning, and Manfred Kock
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P 10.15 |
Investigation of the laser ablation of ceramic samples of nitrides of boron, silicon, and aluminium — •T. Atwee und H.-J. Kunze
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P 10.16 |
High resolution spectroscopy of Hα at the T2R reversed field pinch. — •Frans Meijer, Bob Gravestijn, and Elisabeth Rachlew
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P 10.17 |
Numerical simulation of a multi-channel light scattering diagnostic system for low temperature plasmas — •K. Kaczor und H. Soltwisch
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P 10.18 |
LIF measurements of wave electric fields in a helicon discharge — •Christian Franck, Thomas Klinger, Earl Scime, and John Kline
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P 10.19 |
Application Of Saturated LIF During The Prebreakdown Phases Of Pseudospark Discharge — •Vladimir Arsov, Klaus Frank, and Dieter H.H. Hoffmann
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P 10.20 |
Spatial number density profiles of oxygen atoms and their flow to the walls in an rf discharge — •Silke Peters, Bert Krames, and Jürgen Meichsner
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P 10.21 |
TALIF calibration with noble gases for quantitative atomic density measurements — •K. Niemi, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, and H.F. Döbele
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P 10.22 |
Rayleigh scattering and resdistribution of radiation due to electron-atom collisions in the singlet and triplet system of HeI — •P. Drepper, S. Maurmann, S. Ferri, and H.-J. Kunze
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P 10.23 |
Investigations of excitation transfer in H2/He/Ar-plasmas by absorption spectroscopy — •M. Berger, U. Fantz, and K. Behringer
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P 10.24 |
Absorption measurements in helium and argon plasmas — •Andreas Lotter, Ursel Fantz, and Kurt Behringer
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P 10.25 |
Study of a DC Column Plasma in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field — •Dirk Uhrlandt and Rolf Winkler
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P 10.26 |
Electron Kinetics in the Anode Region of Glow Discharges — •Stefan Arndt, Dirk Uhrlandt, and Rolf Winkler