12:30 |
P 12.1 |
Leistungsdichtebestimmung für burstartige Ereignisse in Fusionsmaschinen — •Albrecht Herrmann
12:30 |
P 12.2 |
Tungsten erosion and deposition of plasma-facing surfaces at the central column of ASDEX Upgrade — •Wolfgang Schneider, Dieter Hildebrandt, Rudolf Neu, Volker Rohde, and ASDEX Upgrade team
12:30 |
P 12.3 |
Determination of atomic hydrogen fluxes and reflection coefficients in ICP-discharges — •S. Meir, U. Fantz, and K. Behringer
12:30 |
P 12.4 |
Energy distribution of oxygen ions in a magnetron discharge — •Tobias Röwf, Jochen Deiwiks, Hartmut Steffen, Holger Kersten, and Rainer Hippler
12:30 |
P 12.5 |
The effect of the safety factor on the transport properties in the scrape-off layer of TEXTOR — •M. Lehnen, M. Brix, and B. Schweer
12:30 |
P 12.6 |
Spectra of O II in the boundary plasma of TEXTOR-94 — •D. Borodin, I. Beigman, L. Vainshtein, A. Pospieszczyk, and S. Brezinsek
12:30 |
P 12.7 |
B4 C limiter experiments at TEXTOR-94 — •B. Schweer, A. Pospieszczyk, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, J. Linke, G. Mank, V. Philipps, P. Wienhold, H. Bolt, S. Kötterl, and H. Renner
12:30 |
P 12.8 |
Deuterium reemission from Ta/W twin limiter exposed in TEXTOR — •T. Hirai, V. Philipps, A. Huber, A. Pospieszczyk, P. Wienhold, T. Tanabe, and M. Wada
12:30 |
P 12.9 |
Tomographic reconstruction of impurity radiation in the JET MkIIGB Divertor — •A. Huber, P. Coad, D. Coster, C. Ingesson, G.F. Matthews, Ph. Mertens, V. Philipps, A. Pospieszczyk, B. Schweer, G. Sergienko, and M. Stamp
12:30 |
P 12.10 |
Material Accumulation in Local Shadow Regions of TEXTOR- 94 — •Peter Wienhold, Andreas Kirschner, Dieter Hildebrandt, Matej Mayer, Marek Rubel, and Wolfgang Schneider
12:30 |
P 12.11 |
Monte-Carlo simulations of erosion and redeposition at the ITER divertor plates — •A. Kirschner, V. Philipps, P. Wienhold, A.S. Kukushkin, and C. Wu
12:30 |
P 12.12 |
Infrared Absorption Spectroscopic Studies of the CO2 Conversion in a Low Pressure Glow Discharge — •Frank Hempel, Jürgen Röpcke, Frank Miethke, and Hans-Erich Wagner
12:30 |
P 12.13 |
Development and Investigation of Erosion Protection Layers for Heat Shields of Re-Entry Space Vehicles — •K. Hirsch, I. Altmann, G. Bauer, T. Kollermann, B. Roth, D. Schinköth, J. Schneider, U. Schumacher, and A. Tawfik
12:30 |
P 12.14 |
In Situ Determination of Erosion Rates by Application of Emission and Absorption Spectroscopy — •I. Altmann, S. Quell, K. Hirsch, B. Roth, J. Schneider, and U. Schumacher
12:30 |
P 12.15 |
Time Correlated Measurements of Spectra from Process and Beam Plasmas in the Range from 240 nm to 1000 nm — •A. Tawfik, S. Quell, K. Hirsch, B. Roth, J. Schneider, and U. Schumacher
12:30 |
P 12.16 |
Comparison of Different Beam Sources for the Helium Beam Diagnostics — •Harald Beyer, Werner Bohmeyer, Petra Kornejew, Hans-Dieter Reiner, and Gerd Fussmann
12:30 |
P 12.17 |
Measurement of electron density and temperature of a low–temperature ECR discharge by Li atom beam diagnostics — •Chr. Krause, D. Hemmers, H. Kempkens, S. Meier, H. B. Schweer und J. Uhlenbusch
12:30 |
P 12.18 |
Recent Progress in the Lithium-Beam Diagnostic for Tokamak Edge Plasmas — •Thomas Naiser, Hans-Werner Müller, and Elisabeth Wolfrum
12:30 |
P 12.19 |
Lithium-Atomstrahl-Diagnostik für Te und Ne in reaktiven Plasmen — •M. Böke und J. Winter
12:30 |
P 12.20 |
Mass spectrometric analysis of transient species in low temperature discharges — •Martin Geigl, Valentina Kroutilina, Hans-Erich Wagner, and Jürgen Meichsner
12:30 |
P 12.21 |
Spectroscopic Investigations of High-Pressure Microhollow Cathode Discharges — •Isfried Petzenhauser, Uwe Ernst, Klaus Frank, and Werner Hartmann
12:30 |
P 12.22 |
Measurements of molecular radical densities in a CF4 — •U. Czarnetzki, P. Fendel, A. Francis, and H.F. Döbele
12:30 |
P 12.23 |
Magnetic field measurement in a high current gas embedded discharge — •D. Penache, C. Niemann, A. Tauschwitz, R. Presura, M. Geissel, C. Penache, R. Knobloch, M. Roth und D.H.H. Hoffmann
12:30 |
P 12.24 |
Liquid water jet laser plasma source for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography — •Ulrich Vogt, Holger Stiel, Ingo Will, Peter V. Nickles, Wolfgang Sandner, Marek Wieland, and Thomas Wilhein
12:30 |
P 12.25 |
A GOLDSTEIN Memorial: On The Possibility of Controlled Fusion Via COCKCROFT and WALTON by Neutron Induced Bombardment of Lithium with Protons — •Hermann M. M. Killesreiter