Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 2: Plasma Technology, Diagnostics I
Montag, 2. April 2001, 16:30–18:40, 2032
16:30 |
P 2.1 |
Entkeimung von Materialien mit Mikrowellen-erzeugten Niederdruckplasmen — •Jochen Feichtinger, Sandra Quell, Joachim Schneider, Andreas Schulz, Matthias Walker, Uwe Schumacher und Joachim Wunderlich
16:45 |
P 2.2 |
Investigation of Sputtered Silicon by Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy — •Stefan Geisler, Albrecht Brockhaus, Axel Schwabedissen, and Jürgen Engemann
17:00 |
P 2.3 |
Study of the melting of particles in reactive plasmas by Mie-ellipsometry — •Gerd Gebauer and Jörg Winter
17:15 |
P 2.4 |
Infrarot-Bildwandler auf der Basis eines Halbleiter-Gasentladungs-Systems — •S. Matern, Yu.A. Astrov, V. Marchenko, L. Portsel und H.-G. Purwins
17:30 |
10 min.
17:40 |
P 2.5 |
Pulsed atmospheric microwave discharges for removal of NOx from exhaust gases — •A. Pott, M. Baeva, H. Gier, J. Uhlenbusch, J. Höschele, and J. Steinwandel
17:55 |
P 2.6 |
Investigations at a Pulsed Inductively Coupled Plasma in the GEC Reference Cell — •V. Kadetov, U. Czarnetzki, and H.F. Doebele
18:10 |
P 2.7 |
EUV emission from Kr and Xe capillary discharge plasmas — •L. Juschkin, S. Zacharov, S. Chuvatin, S. Ellwi, and H.-J. Kunze
18:25 |
P 2.8 |
Absolute EUV-emission from ultrafast high intensity laser excited Xe-clusters — •Matthias Schnürer, Sargis Ter-Avetisyan, Holger Stiel, Ullrich Vogt, Wolfgang Radloff, Wolfgang Sandner, and Peter Nickles