Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 3: Dense Plasmas
Dienstag, 3. April 2001, 16:30–18:40, 2053
16:30 |
P 3.1 |
Investigations of the equation of state in dense plasmas — •Theodor Schlegel, Dieter H.H. Hoffmann, Jürgen Meyer-ter-Vehn, and Klaus Eidmann
16:45 |
P 3.2 |
Electron heat conductivity in dense laser plasmas — •P. Mulser and H. Ruhl
17:00 |
P 3.3 |
Fast coronal ignition of fusion pellets by intense laser pulses — •P. Mulser and S. Hain
17:15 |
P 3.4 |
Photoneutron production with table-top TW lasers — •Stefan Düsterer, Rolf Behrens, Christian Ziener, Heinrich Schwoerer, and Roland Sauerbrey
17:30 |
10 min.
17:40 |
P 3.5 |
Advanced X-ray diagnostics of dense laser produced plasmas based on forbidden transitions — •F.B. Rosmej, A. Calisti, B. Talin, R. Stamm, D.H.H. Hoffmann, W. Suess, M. Geissel, M. Roth, A.Ya. Faenov, and T.A. Pikuz
17:55 |
P 3.6 |
High Order Harmonics from Solid Surfaces: Role of Plasma Mirror Distortions — •Alexander Tarasevitch, Clemens Dietrich, and Dietrich von der Linde
18:10 |
P 3.7 |
Focusing of laser beams by means of a z-pinch formed plasma guiding system — •Christian Marco Fauser and Hansheinrich Langhoff
18:25 |
P 3.8 |
Zeitabhängige Stromdichte und Elektron–Ion Stoßfrequenz für dichte Plasmen in Laserfeldern — •A. Paul Hilse, Manfred Schlanges, Thomas Bornath und Dietrich Kremp