Berlin 2001 – scientific programme
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P: Plasmaphysik
P 8: Magnetic Confinement and Plasma Technology (Poster Session)
P 8.4: Poster
Monday, April 2, 2001, 12:30–15:00, AT2
Investigation of MHD-instabilities in W7-AS — •S. Klose, A. Weller, and the W7-AS team — Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, Bereich E3, Boltzmannstrasse 2, D-85748 Garching b. Muenchen
The spatio-temporal structure of the soft X-ray emission (<10 keV) of a plasma cross-section can be reconstructed with the soft X-ray multi-camera-tomography-system at W7-AS [1, 2]. The X-ray emissivity depends mainly on the plasma pressure which is nearly constant on the magnetic flux surfaces. Hence, the spatio-temporal structure of the magnetic flux surfaces, in particular displaced due to instabilties (e.g. MHD-modes), can be observed with this diagnostic, and in most cases a strong correlation with Mirnov-probe data is found. Recent results from the last experimental program (including the new divertor) will be presented.
[1] Goerner, C. et al., Stellarator News, No. 55, 1 (1998)
[2] Weller, A. et al., Rev. Sci. Instr., 70 (1999) 484