12:30 |
Q 10.1 |
Parametric amplification in the vuv and xuv spectral range — •Carsten Reinhardt, Boris N. Chichkov, Svend Vagt, and Bernd Wellegehausen
12:30 |
Q 10.2 |
A new cw-OPO using PPLN and PPKTP — •U. Strößner, A. Arie, G. Rosenmann, J.-P. Meyn, R. Wallenstein, J. Mlynek, A. Peters, and S. Schiller
12:30 |
Q 10.3 |
Eine schmalbandige, ultra-stabile, weit abstimmbare Quelle für gelbes Licht — •Torsten Petelski, Richard Conroy, Claus Braxmaier, Holger Müller, Kamel Bencheikh, Achim Peters, Jürgen Mlynek und Stephan Schiller
12:30 |
Q 10.4 |
Operation of cw I2–Raman lasers in hollow waveguides — •Manuel Klug, Sergei Kablukov, and Bernd Wellegehausen
12:30 |
Q 10.5 |
Cooperative Raman-type transitions in the system of two four-level atoms: Entanglement in the spin subsystem of two spatially resolved atomic ensembles — •D.V. Kupriyanov, I.M. Sokolov, and A.V. Slavgorodski
12:30 |
Q 10.6 |
A robust frequency-doubled laser system at 326 nm for efficient cooling of fast stored ion beams — •P. Friedmann, U. Eisenbarth, B. Eike, R. Grimm, D. Schwalm, and M. Weidemüller
12:30 |
Q 10.7 |
Erzeugung durchstimmbare Pikosekundenpulse im mittleren Infrarot durch Differenzfrequenzmischung in CdSe — •Klaus Finsterbusch, Reiner Urschel und Helmut Zacharias
12:30 |
Q 10.8 |
Generation of Intense Transform-Limited Narrow-Bandwidth Mid-IR Laser Pulses by Difference Frequency Mixing of Chirped Pulses — •Elmar Schreiber, Gedeminas Veitas, and Romas Danielius
12:30 |
Q 10.9 |
Investigations on cw four-wave mixing schemes — •Bernd Wellegehausen, Manuel Klug, Ulf Hinze, and Boris N. Chichkov
12:30 |
Q 10.10 |
Nonsequential double ionization of helium in low-frequnency laser fields — •Arne Heinrich, Maciej Lewenstein, and Anna Sanpera
12:30 |
Q 10.11 |
The asymmetric fiber sgnac interferometer as a possibility of noise-reduction and puls-shaping in modern high bitrate telecommunication systems — •A. Wietfeld, M. Meißner, N. Korolkova, A. Sizmann, and G. Leuchs
12:30 |
Q 10.12 |
Numerische Untersuchungen zu Dunkelsolitonen in „dispersion maps“ — •Martin Stratmann und Fedor Mitschke
12:30 |
Q 10.13 |
New methods for threshold reduction of phase conjugating SBS-mirrors — •Axel Heuer, Christoph Hänisch, and Ralf Menzel
12:30 |
Q 10.14 |
Stduy of ferroelectric phases of bent-shaped molecules for SHG and applications for QPM waveguides — •Omar Morales-Saavedra, F. Kentischer, H.J. Eichler, G. Priebe, and R. Macdonald
12:30 |
Q 10.15 |
Two-wave coupling at 940 nm using Rh:BaTiO3 for diode laser beam amplification — •E. Gubbini, A. Hermerschmidt, and H.J. Eichler
12:30 |
Q 10.16 |
Photorefractivity of CdTe crystals doped with transition elements — •O. Khasanov, I. Agishev, A. Tolstik, and V. Yakimovich
12:30 |
Q 10.17 |
Self- focusing and defocusing in sub-picosecond pulses interaction with dielectrics and laser-induced breakdown — •O. Fedotova, T. Smirnova, B. Rethfeld, O. Khasanov, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, and D. von der Linde
12:30 |
Q 10.18 |
Dielectric breakdown induced by femtosecond laser pulses — •Bärbel Rethfeld, Andreas Kaiser, Ping Zhou, Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten, and Dietrich von der Linde