Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 16: Nonlinear Optics II
Dienstag, 3. April 2001, 17:30–19:15, H 2013
17:30 |
Q 16.1 |
Low power SBS-mirrors based on fiber amplifier scheme — •Christoph Hänisch, Axel Heuer, and Ralf Menzel
17:45 |
Q 16.2 |
Observation of spatial (2+1)D vector solitons in a saturable nonlinear medium — •Marcus Ahles, Carsten Weilnau, and Cornelia Denz
18:00 |
Q 16.3 |
Multiple pattern stability and noise-induced pattern transitions in a feedback system with photorefractive nonlinearity — •Philip Jander, Michael Schwab, and Cornelia Denz
18:15 |
Q 16.4 |
Self-organization and Fourier-Control of transverse patterns in photorefractive wave mixing with a single feedback mirror — •Oliver Sandfuchs, Milivoj R. Belic, and Friedemann Kaiser
18:30 |
Q 16.5 |
Direkte Vermessung von Instabilitätsbereichen in einem optischen musterbildenden System durch Filterung im Fourierraum — •Ackemann T., Große Westhoff E., Pesch M. und Lange W.
18:45 |
Q 16.6 |
Two-photon coherent control of atomic collisions with non-classical light — •D.V. Kupriyanov, M.D. Havey, A.V. Slavgorodski, and I.M. Sokolov
19:00 |
Q 16.7 |
Amplification of high-order harmonics in a short laser pulse — •D. F. Zaretsky, E. A. Nersesov, S. V. Popruzhenk, and W. Becker