12:30 |
Q 17.1 |
Thermally induced hopping of a pair of trapped ions in a bistable potential — •K. Abich, D. Reiss, W. Neuhauser, and Ch. Wunderlich
12:30 |
Q 17.2 |
GEOMETRIC PHASES FOR TRAPPED ION STATES — •Viorica Gheorghe, A. Gheorghe, and G. Werth
12:30 |
Q 17.3 |
QUANTUM METRIC AND DECOHERENCE FOR TRAPPED IONS — •Viorica Gheorghe, A. Gheorghe, and G. Werth
12:30 |
Q 17.4 |
Single Mode guiding scheme for Charged Particles — •Kai Bongs and Mark Kasevich
12:30 |
Q 17.5 |
The puzzle of heating in the gravito-optical surface trap — •Markus Hammes, Jens Herbig, David Rychtarik, and Rudi Grimm
12:30 |
Q 17.6 |
Cryogenic Magnetic Trap for Ultracold Atoms and Molecules — •Oliver Pradl, Dennis Weise, Robert Hauschild, Jürgen Mlynek, and Achim Peters
12:30 |
Q 17.7 |
A strongly confining dipole trap for Rubidium atoms — •Matthias Schulz, Michael Chwalla, Jürgen Eschner, and Rainer Blatt
12:30 |
Q 17.8 |
Ultra Cold Atoms in Magnetic Traps on the Atomchip — •Thorsten Schumm, Alexander Kasper, Stephan Schneider, Markus Bartenstein, and Jörg Schmiedmayer
12:30 |
Q 17.9 |
Thermal and ‘quantised’ magnetostatics — •Carsten Henkel and Stefan Scheel
12:30 |
Q 17.10 |
Ultra Cold Atoms in Magnetic Traps on the Atom Chip — •Thorsten Schumm, Alexander Kasper, Stephan Schneider, Markus Bartenstein, and Jörg Schmiedmayer
12:30 |
Q 17.11 |
Novel design for a magnetic micro-trap for the preparation of one-dimensional quantum gases — •Herwig Ott, Jozsef Fortagh, Gerald Schlotterbeck, Alexander Grossmann, and Claus Zimmermann
12:30 |
Q 17.12 |
Wave Packet Echoes in the Motion of Trapped Atoms — •Felix B.J. Buchkremer, Rainer Dumke, Gerhard Birkl, and Wolfgang Ertmer
12:30 |
Q 17.13 |
Properties of single atoms in a dipole trap — •Wolfgang Alt, Stefan Kuhr, Dominik Schrader, Martin Müller, Victor Gomer, and Dieter Meschede
12:30 |
Q 17.14 |
Collective light forces on atoms in a high-finesse cavity — •Peter Maunz, Thomas Fischer, Thomas Puppe, Pepijn Pinkse, and Gerhard Rempe
12:30 |
Q 17.15 |
Resonator dipole trap for neutral atoms — •Selim Jochim, Henning Moritz, Allard Mosk, Matthias Weidemüller, and Rudolf Grimm
12:30 |
Q 17.16 |
A conveyor belt for single atoms with light forces — •Martin Müller, Stefan Kuhr, Wolfgang Alt, Dominik Schrader, Victor Gomer, and Dieter Meschede
12:30 |
Q 17.17 |
Towards 1-D BEC and doping a 3-D BEC — •Margit Dornseifer, Daniel Frese, Torsten Herz, Victor Gomer, and Dieter Meschede
12:30 |
Q 17.18 |
Simulation of single atom photon correlations — •Yevhen Miroshnychenko, S. Kuhr, W. Alt, D. Frese, V. Gomer, and D. Meschede
12:30 |
Q 17.19 |
An intense beam of cold Rb-Atoms from a 2D-MOT — •Jürgen Schoser, Robert Löw, Alexander Batär, Volker Schweikhard, Yuri B. Ovchinnikov, and Tilman Pfau
12:30 |
Q 17.20 |
Laser Cooling of Metastable Helium by Velocity Selective Coherent Population Trapping in the Presence of Magnetic Fields — •C. Affolderbach, O. Kritsun, and H. Metcalf
12:30 |
Q 17.21 |
Cooling of Calcium to the recoil limit — •Tomas Binnewies, Guido Wilpers, Uwe Sterr, Fritz Riehle, and Jürgen Helmcke
12:30 |
Q 17.22 |
Sagnac Interferometry with Cold Atoms — •Tanja E. Mehlstäubler, Jochen Keupp, Hung Ly, Albane Douillet, Ernst M. Rasel, and Wolfgang Ertmer
12:30 |
Q 17.23 |
Optical manipulation of cold colllisions: influence of near resonant light fields on asymptotic energy levels — •Christian Samuelis, Tanja Laue, Horst Knöckel, and Eberhard Tiemann
12:30 |
Q 17.24 |
Molecular matter wave interferometer using STIRAP as beamsplitter and mirror - a new tool for the investigation of molecular systems — •Matthias Frank, Kirsten Jaspers, Christian Lisdat, Horst Knöckel, and Eberhard Tiemann
12:30 |
Q 17.25 |
Experiments with a matter wave interferometer towards the examination of collisions between atoms and molecules — •Christian Lisdat, Matthias Frank, Chandra Joshi, Horst Knöckel, and Eberhard Tiemann
12:30 |
Q 17.26 |
Modulation techniques in a molecular Ramsey-Bordé interferometer — •Christian Lisdat, Matthias Frank, Horst Knöckel, and Eberhard Tiemann
12:30 |
Q 17.27 |
Transverse Laser Cooling of an Indium Atomic Beam — •Jiayu Wang, Tobias Junglen, Mario Mützel, Dietmar Haubrich, and Dieter Meschede
12:30 |
Q 17.28 |
Magneto-Optical Trapping of "Stark-Slowed" Metastable Helium Atoms — •R. Jung, S. Gerlach, R. Schumann, U. Eichmann, and G. von Oppen
12:30 |
Q 17.29 |
Loading two atomic species into an optical dipole trap — •M. Mudrich, S. Kraft, K. Singer, W. Wohlleben, G. Brenner, A. Mosk, R. Grimm, and M. Weidemüller
12:30 |
Q 17.30 |
Investigation of long range states of highly excited molecules - a scheme to create cold Na2 molecules? — •Tanja Laue, Christian Samuelis, Horst Knöckel, and Eberhard Tiemann
12:30 |
Q 17.31 |
Interaction of Ultracold Metastable Neon Atoms — •Martin Zinner, Peter Spoden, Gerhard Birkl, and Wolfgang Ertmer
12:30 |
Q 17.32 |
Homo- and heteronuclear spin-changing collisions between ultracold atoms in an optical dipole trap — •Stephan Kraft, Marcel Mudrich, Kilian Singer, Wendel Wohlleben, Allard Mosk, Rudi Grimm, and Matthias Weidemüller
12:30 |
Q 17.33 |
Collisional and Collapse Dynamics of a Twin Bose–Einstein Condensate with Negative Scattering Length — •Karl-Peter Marzlin, Weiping Zhang, Leon Tribe, and Barry C. Sanders
12:30 |
Q 17.34 |
12:30 |
Q 17.35 |
A High Flux Atom Source for Bose-Einstein Condensation — •Andreas Marte, Johannes Schuster, Bernhard Sang, Stefan Wössner, and Gerhard Rempe
12:30 |
Q 17.36 |
A Rb Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-MOT system — •Torsten Herz, Margit Dornseifer, Daniel Frese, Victor Gomer, and Dieter Meschede
12:30 |
Q 17.37 |
Vortex nucleation and shape deformations in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates — •Meret Krämer, Francesca Zambelli, Lev Pitaevskii, and Sandro Stringari
12:30 |
Q 17.38 |
Spontane Emission im Bose–Einstein–Kondensat — •Filip Floegel, Luis Santos, and Maciej Lewenstein