Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 20: Quantum Effects I
Mittwoch, 4. April 2001, 15:45–17:15, H 2013
15:45 |
Q 20.1 |
Quantum Optics Experiments with Semiconductor Quantum Dots — •Christoph Becher, Alper Kiraz, Peter Michler, Atac İmamoğlu, Lidong Zhang, Evelyn Hu, Winston V. Schoenfeld, and Pierre M. Petroff
16:00 |
Q 20.2 |
Towards Cavity-QED with Semiconductor Quantum Dots — •Thomas Aichele and Oliver Benson
16:15 |
Q 20.3 |
Deterministic Generation of Fock States with the One Atom Maser — •Simon Brattke, Benjamin T. H. Varcoe, and Herbert Walther
16:30 |
Q 20.4 |
Phase-Diffusion of the One-Atom Maser Field — •Thomas Becker, Jan Posthumus, Gabriele Marchi, Benjamin Varcoe, Simon Brattke, Berthold-Georg Englert, and Herbert Walther
16:45 |
Q 20.5 |
Quantum homodyne tomography of the single-photon Fock state — •Thomas Aichele, Alexander Lvovsky, Hauke Hansen, Oliver Benson, Stefan Schiller, and Jürgen Mlynek
17:00 |
Q 20.6 |
Sub-femtosecond Schrödinger’s cat states of protons in condensed matter: A new effect — •C. A. C.-Dreismann, T. Abdul-Redah, E. B. Karlsson, and J. Mayers