Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 22: Poster: Quantum Effects
Donnerstag, 5. April 2001, 12:30–15:00, AT2
12:30 |
Q 22.1 |
Nonclassical interference from coherently driven 2-level atoms — •Christoph Skornia, Joachim von Zanthier, Girish S. Agarwal, Ersnt Werner, and Herbert Walther
12:30 |
Q 22.2 |
Quanteneffekt der Messung auf Subsysteme eines zusammengesetzten Objekts — •Sascha Wallentowitz
12:30 |
Q 22.3 |
Efficient Raman side band generation in a coherent atomic medium — •A. F. Huss, N. Peer, R. Lammegger, E. A. Korsunsky, and L. Windholz
12:30 |
Q 22.4 |
Parametric Dispersion in a Coherent Population System — •Mario Müller, Rolf-Hermann Rinkleff, and Karsten Danzmann
12:30 |
Q 22.5 |
Coherent Population Trapping Involving Rydberg and Autoionizing States in Xenon — •Michael Stellpflug, Thomas Halfmann, Knut Böhmer, and Klaas Bergmann
12:30 |
Q 22.6 |
Stable Single Photon Sources — •Christoph Braig, Patrick Zarda, Christian Kurtsiefer, and Harald Weinfurter
12:30 |
Q 22.7 |
Anomalous neutron Compton scattering from entangled protons of condensed systems — •T. Abdul-Redah and C. A. C.-Dreismann
12:30 |
Q 22.8 |
Diagrammatik der schwachen Lokalisierung von Licht durch kalte Atome — •Cord Axel Müller, Christian Miniatura und Dominique Delande
12:30 |
Q 22.9 |
Nonlocal evanescent modes in near field optics — •Alfons Stahlhofen
12:30 |
Q 22.10 |
Universal Relationship of Tunnelling Time and Frequency — •Günter Nimtz and Astrid Haibel
12:30 |
Q 22.11 |
Tunnelling Time Measurements of a Double-Prism — •Astrid Haibel and Günter Nimtz
12:30 |
Q 22.12 |
Nonlocality of atomic wave packets in a linear potential — •Florian Haug, Marc Bienert, Matthias Freyberger, and Wolfgang P. Schleich