Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 28: Quantum Effects III
Donnerstag, 5. April 2001, 17:30–19:00, H 3010
17:30 |
Q 28.1 |
Coupling of a near-field probe to whispering-gallery modes in a microsphere — •Stephan Götzinger, Oliver Benson, and Vahid Sandoghdar
17:45 |
Q 28.2 |
Superluminal information transfer in near field optics — •Alfons Stahlhofen
18:00 |
Q 28.3 |
Negative Phase Time for Scattering at Quantum Wells — A Microwave Analogy Experiment — •Ralf-Michael Vetter, Astrid Haibel, and G"unter Nimtz
18:15 |
Q 28.4 |
Quantum anti-centrifugal force — •Markus Cirone, Kazimierz Rzazewski, Wolfgang Schleich, Frank Straub, and John Wheeler
18:30 |
Q 28.5 |
Schwache Lokalisierung von Licht durch kalte Atome — •Cord Axel Müller, Thibaut Jonckheere, Robin Kaiser, Christian Miniatura und Dominique Delande
18:45 |
Q 28.6 |
A quantum jump description of a two-atom double-slit experiment — •Christian Schoen and Almut Beige