12:30 |
Q 31.1 |
Advanced Geometries for a Grating Enhanced External Cavity Diode Laser — •Guido Ewald, Stefan Götte, H.-Jürgen Kluge, Kai-Martin Knaak, Jochen Schulat, and Klaus Wendt
12:30 |
Q 31.2 |
Interferometrisch stabilisierter ECDL mit weiter kontinuierlicher Frequenzabstimmung und geringer Linienbreite bei 633nm — •Thomas Kinder, Klaus–Dieter Salewski, Eduard Papp, Thomas Müller–Wirts und Wilhelm G. Kaenders
12:30 |
Q 31.3 |
Coherent seeding of a bar of 25 broad area lasers — •Volker Raab and Ralf Menzel
12:30 |
Q 31.4 |
Thermal lens and birefringence in end-pumped Yb:fluoride- phosphate-laser-glass — •Stefano Paoloni, Joachim Hein, Thomas Töpfer, Heinz-Günter Walther, Doris Ehrt, and Roland Sauerbrey
12:30 |
Q 31.5 |
Einflüsse von Aberrationen auf optische Resonatoren — •Ivo Buske, Jana Hüve und Ulrich Wittrock
12:30 |
Q 31.6 |
Optimizing the mode volume for transversally pumped solid state rod lasers with high brightness — •Michael Seefeldt, Guido Klemz, Axel Heuer, and Ralf Menzel
12:30 |
Q 31.7 |
Optimized energy extraction from a transversally pumped solid state laser rod by beam shaping — •Guido Klemz, Axel Heuer, and Ralf Menzel
12:30 |
Q 31.8 |
High power diode-pumped 946 nm Nd:YAG laser and applications — •Ralf Koch, Filip Öhman, and David Evekull
12:30 |
Q 31.9 |
High power single frequency master-oscillator fiber amplifier system — •Sven Höfer, H. Zellmer, A. Tünnermann, S. Unger, S. Jetschke, and H.-R. Müller
12:30 |
Q 31.10 |
Experimentelle Beobachtung der Risken-Nummedal-Graham-Haken-Instabilität in einem Erbium-Faserlaser — •Martin O. Lenz, Tom Voigt und Fedor Mitschke
12:30 |
Q 31.11 |
Blue and red Tm:ZBLAN upconversion fiber laser — •Volker Gaebler and Hans J. Eichler
12:30 |
Q 31.12 |
Diode-pumped self-Q-switched single frequency 946nm / 473nm Nd,Cr:YAG microchip laser — •Volker Gaebler, Hans J. Eichler, and Zhiguo Zhang
12:30 |
Q 31.13 |
Stability characteristics of an injection-locked 14 W master-slave laser system for the gravitational wave detector GEO 600 — •Michele Kirchner, Volker Qutschke, Ivo Zawischa, Benno Willke, and Karsten Danzmann
12:30 |
Q 31.14 |
Design and Characterization of a High Repetition Rate nanosecond Ti:Sapphire-Laser — •R. Horn, G. Huber, J.V. Kratz, J. Lassen, N. Trautmann, and K. Wendt
12:30 |
Q 31.15 |
Transient dynamics of intracavity absorption signals in solid state lasers — •Marcus Risch, Arnold Stark, Valery Baev, and Peter Toschek
12:30 |
Q 31.16 |
Energy transfer in Yb3+-doped Sesquioxides — •Arne Bolz, Volker Peters, Klaus Petermann, and Günter Huber
12:30 |
Q 31.17 |
Yb2+-doped fluorides - preparational aspects and spectroscopic evaluation of laser potential — •Katja Rademaker, Markus Henke, and Stefan Kück