Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 4: Quantum Information I
Montag, 2. April 2001, 15:45–17:15, Audimax
15:45 |
Q 4.1 |
Sympathetic cooling of an indium-magnesium ion chain — •Steffen Köhler, Volker Ludsteck, Sang-Kyung Choi, Wolfgang Lange, and Herbert Walther
16:00 |
Q 4.2 |
Ion trap quantum logic using microwave radiation — •Florian Mintert and Christof Wunderlich
16:15 |
Q 4.3 |
Sympathetische Grundzustandskühlung und kohärente Manipulation von Ionenkristallen — •Stephan Gulde, Harald Rohde, Paul Barton, Dietrich Leibfried, Jürgen Eschner, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler und Rainer Blatt
16:30 |
Q 4.4 |
Real-time trapping and manipulation of single, strongly coupled atoms — •Hanns-Christoph Naegerl, Jason McKeever, Dan M. Stamper-Kurn, and H. Jeff Kimble
16:45 |
Q 4.5 |
Self-learning measurement of a quantum mechanical two-state system — •Th. Hannemann, Ch. Balzer, D. Reiss, W. Neuhauser, P. E. Toschek, and Ch. Wunderlich
17:00 |
Q 4.6 |
Stabilization of quantum algorithms with detected jump correcting quantum codes — •Michael Mussinger, Aldo Delgado, and Gernot Alber