Berlin 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 7: Quantum Information II
Montag, 2. April 2001, 17:30–19:00, Audimax
17:30 |
Q 7.1 |
Quantum Information Processing with Microoptical Elements — •Felix B.J. Buchkremer, Rainer Dumke, Tobias Müther, Michael Volk, Gerhard Birkl, and Wolfgang Ertmer
17:45 |
Q 7.2 |
Towards State Control and Quantum Logic in a CO2-Laser Optical Lattice — •Giovanni Cennini, Rainer Scheunemann, Francesco Cataliotti, and Martin Weitz
18:00 |
Q 7.3 |
Collective Quantum Memories for Photons Based on Dark-State Polaritons — •Michael Fleischhauer, Mikhail Lukin, and Ronald Walsworth
18:15 |
Q 7.4 |
Quantum Entanglement in an Optical Lattice For Rubidium Atoms — •Thilo Elsässer, Boris Nagorny, and Andreas Hemmerich
18:30 |
Q 7.5 |
Regularized Relative Entropy of Entanglement — •J. Eisert, S. Virmani, E. Jane, K. Audenaert, and M.B. Plenio
18:45 |
Q 7.6 |
Entanglement as a basis of the Second Law — •Jochen Gemmer, Alexander Otte, and Günter Mahler