12:30 |
Q 9.1 |
Ein Einweg-Quantenrechner — •Robert Raussendorf und Hans J. Briegel
12:30 |
Q 9.2 |
Information Flow in Qubit Lattices — •Daniel E Browne, Robert Raussendorf, and Hans J Briegel
12:30 |
Q 9.3 |
The Schmidt measure as a tool for quantifying multi-particle entanglement — •Jens Eisert and Hans-J. Briegel
12:30 |
Q 9.4 |
Single-atom multi-photon entanglement mediated by a high-finesse Cavity — •Thomas Legero, Markus Hennrich, Stefan Nussmann, Axel Kuhn, and Gerhard Rempe
12:30 |
Q 9.5 |
Quantum optical weak measurements can visualize photon dynamics in real time — •Thomas Konrad, Jürgen Audretsch, and Artur Scherer
12:30 |
Q 9.6 |
Multiparticle entanglement purification — •Aldo Delgado, Gernot Alber, and Igor Jex
12:30 |
Q 9.7 |
Conditional teleportation with entangled single-photon states — •Jens Clausen, Ludwig Knöll, and Dirk-Gunnar Welsch
12:30 |
Q 9.8 |
Dissipation-assisted adiabatic passage into an entangled state — •Almut Beige and Gerhard Rempe
12:30 |
Q 9.9 |
Bright EPR-entangled beams — •Christine Silberhorn, Michael Langer, Ping Koy Lam, Natalia Korolkova, and Gerd Leuchs
12:30 |
Q 9.10 |
Decomposition of Mixed Quantum States — •Alexander Otte and Günter Mahler
12:30 |
Q 9.11 |
Estimating quantum channels — •Dietmar G. Fischer, Holger Mack, Markus A. Cirone, and Matthias Freyberger
12:30 |
Q 9.12 |
Quantum correlations in fermionic and bosonic systems — •Kai Eckert, Maciej Lewenstein, and John Schliemann
12:30 |
Q 9.13 |
Towards practical Quantum Cryptography — •Matthäus Halder, David Weikersdorfer, Patrick Zarda, Christian Kurtsiefer, and Harald Weinfurter
12:30 |
Q 9.14 |
Quantum messages of variable length — •Kim Bostroem
12:30 |
Q 9.15 |
Processing of quantum information with optical solitons — •Viktor V. Kozlov, Matthias Freyberger, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
12:30 |
Q 9.16 |
Highly stable wavelength reference for a near-infrared tunable monochromatic laser — •Ph. Leick, A. Keil, K. Abich, W. Neuhauser, Ch. Wunderlich, and P. E. Toschek
12:30 |
Q 9.17 |
Dipole Blockade and Quantum Information Processing in Mesoscopic Atomic Ensembles — •M. Fleischhauer, M. Lukin, R. Cote, L. Duang, D. Jaksch, I. Cirac, and P. Zoller
12:30 |
Q 9.18 |
Lifetime measurement as a test of cooperative effects in ion strings — •M. Block, A. Drakoudis, H. Garcia-Prima, H. Leuthner, X. Luo, and G. Werth
12:30 |
Q 9.19 |
Light-induced decoherence in the driven evolution of an atom — •Ch. Balzer, Th. Hannemann, W. Neuhauser, P. E. Toschek, and Ch. Wunderlich
12:30 |
Q 9.20 |
Low Temperature Spectroscopy on Single Defect Centers — •Fedor Jelezko, Uwe Gerken, Carsten Tietz, and Joerg Wrachtrup
12:30 |
Q 9.21 |
Pulsed generation of photons by vacuum stimulated Raman scattering — •Markus Hennrich, Thomas Legero, Axel Kuhn, and Gerhard Rempe
12:30 |
Q 9.22 |
Fock state preparation of the electromagnetic field using two-atom entanglement — •Thomas Wellens, Burkhard Kümmerer, and Andreas Buchleitner
12:30 |
Q 9.23 |
Squeezed State Entanglement for Free Space Quantum Cryptography — •Stefan Lorenz, Christine Silberhorn, Michael Langer, Natalia Korolkova, and Gerd Leuchs